Birthday and Basketball

Today started out with Peyton coming in to go potty. I waited to see what she’d do. She pitter pattered to the bathroom, stopped, and came over to my side of the bed. “Is it okay to use the potty?” I told her it was okay to use it, and she proceeded to go, in the proper toilet. Phew. We got up to get ready for Brandon’s first game of the season finale tournament. The game was at 930 am, but the boys headed out by 830 am to warm up. I used the alone time with Peyton to practice piano. She finished up in time to head out, but unfortunately, I went to the wrong place! Oops, we missed the first quarter, but fortunately, Brandon wasn’t playing. Peyton had her books to read, and she did that while I watched. After the game, which was pretty uneventful as far as Brandon’s play was concerned, we had the after the season party. Coach gave a speech about each player, while the boys munched on bagels and fruit. After each speech, the boys shook their coaches hands, and then cupcakes were served.

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