Door to Door Saleswoman

This morning, I was going to head out with Peyton to my dad’s to drop off tax information and try to sell cookies then. Then, I asked her if she wanted to go sell at home first and see what happens. She said, “Sure!” Dave and Brandon had set out to the dump to drop the toilet off. Peyton heard “dump” and said, “Ew, gross! It stinks there (she’s never been to a dump before, so I’m not sure what she knows).” So, we set off on foot with two cases full of assorted cookie boxes. We headed to our next door neighbor, who bought one box, then headed down the street. We then headed across the street and met the neighbors right across from us, whom we hadn’t met yet! Peyton was the ambassador for us. She was great, having practiced what she wanted to say, “Good morning, my name is Peyton, would you like to buy Girl Scout cookies?” She had problems when asked what kinds of cookies she was selling, but did have the “Five dollars” down when asked how much each box was. She even figured out quickly what the sum was for two boxes from one neighbor. Most of the neighbors to whom we sold cookies were unbeknownst to us. We tried going to the neighbors who we did know, but they weren’t home. We saw a garage sale sign in front of our house, so our goal was to find it and then turn around at that point. She knew to not ring the bells of those houses with “No Solicitation” or “No solicitors” signs, and she pressed on if there was no answer. In fact, a few houses, I decided to skip, but she told me, “No, let’s go to each house.” So one by one, she rang and rang. She even told me, “It’s like trick or treating!” Sure, to her it was, but this is so much harder, I thought! We saw Coach Tom and family drive by the garage sale, and we waved. We can’t sell to them, of course, since Hana is a girl scout herself. We got to the garage sale, and I was worried we were encroaching on sales. The woman of the house was making a sale herself and the family was getting the furniture piece into a buyer’s car. Peyton asked her if she’d like to buy cookies, and she told her she would. Her daughter shouted from the car-loading and said she bought some already. Luckily, the older lady said, “That’s okay! We’ll buy another!” Phew, they weren’t mad that we were there. In fact, after our exchange and sale, she told us, “If you get tired, feel free to set up there (pointing to her front lawn where the garage sale was) and sell here!” It’s amazing that Peyton’s foray into the neighborhood would make us all more neighborly with our surroundings. On our way back, Peyton dragged a bit, but she did want to get home. I convinced her to come to one more house, a baseball family and fellow CC kids, one each in Brandon’s and Peyton’s grade. Peyton did get to sell one box there. In your case, generic super cialis the pain will last for more than 4 hours. 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I love seeing his lefty shot, and he didn’t turn the ball over today! After the game, we parted ways, and Peyton and I headed to my dad’s. She fell asleep in the car, but she woke up when we got close to the house. There was an open house up the street, and that made for crowded conditions with people parking every which way. We started with our neighbor, who saw us coming, but he said he already got his cookies. Then, we headed down the other way, and I had to introduce ourselves as the neighbor asked if Peyton was from the neighborhood school. She didn’t realize who we were until I started talking and introduced Peyton in context of next door. She’d come over to play once when my mom babysat Peyton when she was a few months old, but that was quite a long time ago. The daughter bought a box, but the son didn’t come to the door. A few times, kids have been given the reins to buy a box, and they’ve declined! Man, neither of my kids would blow the opportunity to pick out a box of cookies! Well, after a few more houses, I was tired and didn’t want to push too hard. So, we headed home. I think Peyton was disappointed, compared to earlier in the morning. In all, with our door to door saleswomanship, she was able to sell 11 boxes. We have less than 20 boxes to sell (after which, I’ve told her that we won’t be getting any more besides what we’re selling as a troop next week), and Brandon has said he wanted to support Peyton and buy 3 boxes. So sweet? Or because he likes sweets. We have two more weeks, so hopefully they will find homes, or we will sell them back. She’s really close to her next milestone, so hopefully she will sell them!

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