Today was a day of many momentous occasions. We started off the morning early, as I needed to get to school to set up the art cart. I arrived by 745 am, and Peyton and I rolled the cart over just as Mrs. M was getting into her classroom. Peyton helped me prep the art backing sheets to the mounting paper. She was great with the glue stick, but I reminded her when the bell rang, she had to line up with her class. I wanted to give her fair warning so she didn’t melt down on me. She took pride in helping, and her classmates saw that she was in the class already and commented! She lined up with her class, then they all headed out to flag salute. I saw Hope and her mom arrive at drop off, and I quickly waved, but knew I had to get in touch with her later. I walked over to flag salute after I’d gotten the lesson prepped. I wanted to stake out a place to take photos of Peyton with the walk a thon awards. She truly didn’t know she was getting it, and it was all I could do the past few weeks to keep it a secret from either kid. There are no secrets between them, so I couldn’t even tell Brandon she’d won! Daniel was called out first, then Peyton. I don’t know if it was better with the vantage point I had (closer) or better from the back of the crowd. Either way, I got some footage. I walked back around to her class, and a few people stopped me to congratulate Peyton, namely our neighbor, whose son has won top lap walker in the past. Tricia was texting me to make sure I knew Peyton was getting the award. As I was walking back around all the kids, Peyton saw me from the front and gave me a sheepish wave. I made my way back to behind her class, so I could make a quick getaway back to her classroom. We taught the lesson and ran out of time. While the kids were at recess, I helped clean up and put the cart back. The leaders were there, and I thanked them for saving the cart for me, since we were one day over from the due date. I stayed around on campus for a little bit, then headed home for brunch. I got some food, then went back to lunch time. Peyton was in lunch bunch, so I escorted her class back to the playground. Her class is the open bathroom class, so I gladly monitored the air conditioned room. Soon, I saw one of Peyton’s classmates with a grumpy face. He’d fallen, and his knee was scraped. He kept it together while I put a wet towel to clean it off. No sooner, another classmate came up to me screaming bloody murder. And bleeding, everywhere. I went to get her a wet towel too, and I knew she had to go to the office. We walked the distance to the office, and I kept reminding her to keep pressure on her nose. She was gushing blood, and I was feeling nauseous looking at her. People were staring at us, including Brandon. In the office, she told the receptionist that she was hit in the nose by another classmate. She didn’t know or think it was an accident. I hadn’t been able to get any information out of her, as I just concentrated on getting her to the office and not fainting, either of us. I made my way back to the music room, and I informed Mrs. M of what happened. I chatted with my ABC leads, then we headed over to Brandon’s class for a farewell to his prego teacher. From there, I went back to Peyton’s class to see her off on the birthday party. Four of them were headed for mini golf, froyo, and then back to their house for playtime. I was planning to head over by 430 pm, but some others may not have come until 6 pm. Brandon and I went to the library to redeem his book of the month club prize. He got to pick a free book. There were many cool ones to choose, and he picked a graphic novel on Athena. We headed back home, so he could do his reading, piano, and decompress before the big show. We headed to pick Peyton up by 430 pm. We hung out with the Yin’s for awhile, and we caught up from their day. We brought over Hope’s gift, and the girls were all excited about it! Grace even gave Brandon a tour of their house. I decided we needed to leave by 5 pm, so we could feed Brandon and get him off to the show by 545 pm. Brandon wasn’t hungry. I think he was nervous! Earlier, I told him he had to practice piano before he left, and if he didn’t, he’d be late to drama. He was totally frightened at the thought of being late! Like LIVID! Funny, because when we threaten him to be late to baseball, his response is, “I don’t care.” But he didn’t say that with drama. He just said, “I can’t be late! I don’t want to be late to drama!” (We later told the director’s husband, and he said she runs a tight ship). Dave took Brandon plenty early. I watched Peyton shower up, and changed into another dress. It’s great the weather has been so nice that it’s conducive to nice sundresses. I took the rubber band out of my hair, and that was me “dressing up”. We arrived about 20 minutes to go, and we were escorted to our seats. We also got 3 flowers for Brandon, courtesy of my auction bid. Hope joined us, so she had a front row seat on her birthday. The show was great,
Here’s the song I caught him singing the other morning:
Interplanet Janet
Closing number:
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and Brandon perfectly executed his one line! “You’re right!!”
After the show, the kids got some snacks, and I got the courage to ask Hope’s dad to sign my fix-it ticket. He was more than happy to; it was like asking for his autograph! We wrapped up our pictures, thanking our director, and left. We drove separately, and Dave took the kids to go get something to eat, while I came home.
Here are the pictures from our day…
Brandon is standing up being recognized as a drama performer.
He was so cute, asking us, “How did I do?” Just like he asks when he plays baseball.
While we were leaving, Peyton ran off and we didn’t know where she was. She ended up going over to say hello to Ori’s mom, Dana. She was so sweet and gave her a big hug noticing her two dresses in one day 😄. She wants another play date with Ori and Violette.