On my way home, I called Dave to see where he was. He informed me that Tom needed another player again. I hadn’t even picked up kids yet so I was already behind. That’s if brandon even wanted to play. I picked peyton up first, and I saw Faith. I asked her if she knew where I could pick up missing shirts from drama. Peyton, midway through eating a carrot said with an orange mouth, “I have it.” I asked her how she had it. She said, “Elisa gave it to me.” Elisa is in Brandon’s class. So I asked where and when Elisa gave her the shirt. She said, “At golf.” I asked her why she didn’t give it to brandon directly at golf and she told me because he wasn’t there! So I picked him up and asked him about golf. He asked how I knew about that, and he got mad at peyton for tattling on him. I told him she didn’t tell on him and told him the story. He said he just forgot. In his defense, last Monday, he had drama rehearsal. So I casually asked him if he wanted to play baseball again for Tom’s team. He whole-hearted agreed, unlike the last time.
So we got home and he changed. I prepped dinner to go for peyton, then we dropped brandon off. I then came home and showered up Peyton. Dave was home then took off for the field. Peyton has been recording her fruits and veggies for the past week. This has motivated her to eat lots especially a variety of veggies. So I packed her a salad full of random veggies and then headed back. She enjoyed watching the game with Dave. At the end of the game, I headed out for my art training back at school. When I came back, brandon and Dave were working on homework. They were being loud, and I went to check on Peyton. She was sound asleep through all of their noise. I think she has allergies as she is drippy again. I’ve restarted the antihistamine and nasal spray but poor thing is wiped out. Brandon will have another game on Wednesday for his own team. another late night as I have training for my own reading group that night.