I got a text early this AM that Brandon would be playing in another game today as a pool player. The Brewers were going to be short a player, so they called Brandon up. I picked up both kids after I got off work. I told Brandon he had to finish his homework, reading and piano before I’d take him to the field. I also found out he’s not been doing his school worksheets to completion now that the sub is there. And there is no accountability from class, so I made him re-do the sheet, much to his dismay. He didn’t want to be late, and he said he didn’t want to go at all if he was. I told him he needed to go down to the field and explain why he wouldn’t be playing if that was the case. He changed his attitude and got his work done. Dave said the coach wanted him there at 445 pm, but I didn’t get there with him until 5 pm. He had plenty of time to warm himself up. Peyton was waiting for Dave to arrive, and he was going to take her to craft her soap box derby car to race in June. Since Brandon wasn’t supposed to have a game, I had Dave continue his plan to take Peyton. Peyton messed around while the kids warmed up. Here she is as I taught her how to “plank”.
Abby schooled me in this a few years ago, and she totally won the challenge that she issued to me.
The game started with me on Brandon’s side of the bench, but I didn’t know anyone in the immediate area, so I switched sides to the A’s bench. Dave was talking to Coach Tom, while I was talking to Yvonne. Dave overheard some kids on the A’s saying, “OH, Brandon’s on the other team!” Tom told them, “SO WHAT!” Dave did warn him about the home run from last night. Dave was trying to get the other coach, who would start pitching to Brandon, to throw harder to him. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out so well, as he struck out. Later, he got a triple (I took a picture, instead of video), but I was texting Dave so I have a quote, “He got all of it.” It was a similar shot as last night, but he was held up at third. On defense, Brandon played first base for the first two innings, and then in the last. Otherwise, he played left field. But he dropped a routine fly ball, that he’d been practicing when he first arrived. He even had made fun of his friend for not catching his! The ball was IN his glove, then he let go of the squeeze, and it dropped. UGH. He let two runners score, as he tried to throw out the man on second, but fired it across into right field.
Finally, there was this at-bat:
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While we were leaving, I moved from one side of the bench back to the other. Brandon’s friend’s mom told me, “Thanks to Brandon for winning the game for us!” Coach Tom wasn’t as happy.
Brandon selected an unsalted pretzel for his snack shack, but then purchased four small boxes of Mike and Ikes for “our snack bin”. I told him it wasn’t necessary, since we have plenty of leftover candy from parties, etc. Peyton ate her lollipop from this weekend, but instead of what happened last time, when she refused to brush, and then subsequently was banned from the bin for a week, she immediately brushed her teeth after she was done. She learned her lesson.
Dave wasn’t home with Peyton before I needed to go back to the PTA meeting at school. The president’s son was on Tom’s team, and I had been sitting behind her when she left halfway through the game, not being able to see her son pitch. Brandon showered up, and then he came with me to the meeting. He hung out with Ryan W. quietly in the back of the room, while I listened and watched for Dave’s arrival. Brandon didn’t want to be just let out of the meeting, so I waited for Dave to show up, and showed him the car. I waited for him to get in, before returning to listen to the rest of the meeting. I finally got to eat after the meeting ended, though not before being pulled aside by the principal for a chat about the direction of our reading program for next year. I was trying to duck away, but now we’re on a formal-first name (I still call her Mrs. L) basis. I hurried home after that, and finished up blogging.