School Goings-On

This morning, I hung around home like a Monday and Wednesday, and it threw the kids off, even though I told them that I would be home. I left for school when Dave dropped them off. I headed to the multi while Dave hung out with the kids. The teachers were serving the volunteers breakfast. They had yummy berries, muffins, cut into quarters, and bagels. I got some fruit and a muffin quarter and sat down with some decaf. I felt like a little kid in a big school sitting alone, but soon I had friends join me. The program started with the Chorus doing a performance, then the teachers sang a song that was written by one of the teachers to a Bee Gees song. Then, the PTA took over and thanked the various volunteers. A slide show was watched, and Dave made it in there! He was in action, putting signs up at walk a thon. Gifts were given to all volunteers, with improved prizes as the numbers increased. All hours were self-reported, and Dave got a decorated cookie, while I got a serving spoon and bee measuring spoon. (The theme was “You’re the Bee’s Knees”)  

   The program was done just after 9 am, and then I headed to work. I worked the rest of my shift, then headed out by 2 pm to go pick up the kids again. We headed to piano, where the teacher only wanted to work on the performance pieces. Brandon surprised us by memorizing his piece!

He was so far behind where he should have been just a week ago, but we hammered it out over the past week, and now it sounds so much better! Ms M thought Brandon had memorized it, and then she took the music away and he was still able to play! Maybe piano will help his memory (and hopefully typing) as I believed it did with me! Maybe he’ll get an appreciation of music along the way, but that’s a stretch 🙂

I forgot to record Peyton, since she’d gone first. But she didn’t do as well as she had at home. She didn’t want to take a bow when I was watching! I had to turn around, then she would. Brandon definitely has a “I don’t care” attitude, which serves him well for this purpose. Peyton cares too much, and Ms. M said if she does mess up, it’s okay and to move on. Peyton has a game face on when she’s playing, so she’s trying to lighten her up a bit. I’m excited to see how the recital goes!
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After, we came home and read, then Dave came home for practice. Peyton showed me a sorry card she received.  She was hit on the butt by a boy at school.  She, herself, has been on gold card all week with hands to self, so she’s definitely earning her leadership award!!

  Brandon was working on extra math with me, and he was having a hard time (melting down), so Dave left him here. I told him to finish one sheet with me first, then I’d take him to the practice. He finally did it, and we went to the field as promised. I took Peyton to go to the big new structure at the park, where we found another mom and daughter from Brandon’s team. We chatted until it was time to pick up the kids. Both kids wanted to go home with daddy, so I got a peaceful ride home. We had a later than usual dinner, then Peyton went to bed after bath. Brandon wanted to stay up and do more math. I let him, and I knew he was stalling for bed. But it was better that he do something with me than lying in bed awake. He was more receptive than the earlier tantrum. He ended up staying up until 9 pm, and he was getting it done without complaint! He showed me his “piano”

He wanted to learn even more than I’d gone over earlier in the day. I had a captive audience, and I was trying to convince him that it wasn’t so bad when I was teaching him. After two yawns (when Peyton tells me she yawns TWICE, then it means she’s tired), I sent Brandon to bed.

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