
I knew Peyton was getting the award today, and I hoped that Brandon would, but an email was never sent to us as Peyton’s teacher had sent. But Brandon has a sub now, so I was hoping it was because of that that we didn’t get anything.
Kinders were announced first, then fifth, and second, fourth and third. I started to record in the event Brandon was chosen.
Here is Peyton being called up:

And for the third graders:

After each grade level is called, pictures are taken.
Here is Peyton’s set:

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And Brandon’s:


I later taught in Peyton’s class for their final art project. That’s how I was able to “sneak” a big camera to school without it looking weird. Brandon’s sub apologized for not notifying us. Peyton’s teacher said, Peyton told her, “Well, I guess my brother, Brandon, is a leader, too! But I got mine first.” Funny thing is that Hope (Peyton’s friend) and Grace (Brandon’s friend) got the award as well, so their parents were standing by me. Tricia, their mom, joked that she hoped they were using their powers for good, not evil. I joked back that it was no wonder mine both argue at home, as both are assuming leadership roles here. I was able to take a photo of the girls together. I didn’t for Brandon and Grace 😉 That would have embarrassed him to no end. I did notice that many of the winners were CDC kids! Go CDC!

We’ll have to celebrate with them later today, after swim is done. Proud of them!!

While I was leaving Peyton’s class, I told her I wouldn’t be able to attend the music class that she’d wanted me to since the parents weren’t invited. She looked a bit sad, but she kept it together. I told her she could perform for me later today if she wanted. But she didn’t really want to take me up on my offer.

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