Cherry Sunday

Today, I took the kids to walk for cherry pancakes. The local cherry stand was having a pancake breakfast. I mapped my route, and chose to walk through the park. Dave didn’t want to walk for cherries, so I headed out with them an hour before breakfast started. The kids saw the structure, and Brandon wanted to play, since he didn’t get to last week when he was at practice. I told them we could come back on the way home since we were on a mission. Both kids tested out their new sandals that Michelle had given me a head’s up on. Both were happy with the color selection I’d made for them. We got there in plenty of time, and fortunately, they were serving them a little early. The lady selling the pancakes poured the syrup.  I asked for a little!

 After we ate our pancake (I didn’t have cash to buy more), we headed to TJ’s where I got fruit. I’d brought some carry bags, which each kid held for me, then I carried it back to the park. The kids tried food there, but Peyton wasn’t that excited about the Italian salad. Brandon, of course, loved it. I let them play in the park, and Peyton narrowly missed getting kicked in the back of the head since she didn’t listen to me to walk out away from the swings. I think it scared the dad pushing his daughter more than anything. Peyton was clueless. She and Brandon started racing up the structure, when Peyton’s hands both came off the rungs of the ladder. She fell off, probably 5 feet off the ground, and hit her leg against the climbing wall. She landed on her arm, and I was more worried she’d break her arm, but it was still her doing since she was not looking straight ahead of her. I wasn’t as sympathetic as I probably should have been. Other parents gasped in seeing her fall, where I just checked her over for signs of a break or worse, blood, and I had her come sit with me. We reviewed how to be safe, and to play safe, and how to avoid injury for next time. Brandon invited her again to the top, and this time, she told me, “Okay, but I’m not racing you, just wait for me.” Glad she learned her lesson, and that she was okay. Brandon was a big chicken at the top of the structure. He was afraid to lean out over the grid, which juts out over the structure and looks straight down. Granted he is about 2 stories up, but last week, Peyton had no problems looking out there and calling to me. Funny he’s so cautious! But probably serves him well, as he doesn’t get as hurt as Peyton. I let them play for another few minutes, then we headed back to home. There were other kids there, and one girl was climbing up the slide while Peyton was waiting to slide down.  The girl, older and bigger than Peyton, asked her rather rudely, “Can you move?”  Peyton, with her sunglasses on, stared right at her, but didn’t make a noise or move.  I was waiting to see what would happen.  Peyton had arrived first and was using the slide appropriately, so I didn’t feel the need to intervene.  The girl probably didn’t think she’d win that chicken game, and Peyton took up the entire width of the slide.  After the stare down, the girl backed down the slide.  Peyton smiled up at me after she was gone and promptly slid down.  #Playgroundlessonslearned 


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  I worked with Brandon on math, while Peyton wanted some attention, too, so I gave her random spelling words. After lunch, Brandon and Dave went to practice, while Peyton and I napped. Well, I played games for the first hour, then seeing that she wasn’t going anywhere, I decided to take a nap, too. She was in need of sleep! She was asleep for almost the entire practice, from 2-4pm. She woke up and was still groggy, so it was only after that when Dave came home that she really woke up. He wanted to go to LA Grill, but he wanted to have the Kao’s join. Since they weren’t free, we went to a back up plan that would keep us close to Tin Pot for ice cream. Brandon was having a hard time in the car, so he waited while the other of us got a scoop each. He said he wanted a popsicle at home anyway (his defense mechanism). I got PB & chocolate, while Peyton changed flavors and got malted chocolate instead of cookie monster. Dave got PB and chocolate and coffee. We headed home, and Brandon finished up what he was doing.  He needs to write super big to avoid mistakes.  He needed a separate paper pad instead of squeezing in the workbook pages.  He was so proud to have given me the right answer (which I check on my calculator!). He said he can only do two or three problems per sheet.  But they’re right when he does it that was, so I told him it was ok. 

  Then both were sent to bed without complaints. Even though she slept earlier today, Peyton is still sound asleep! She was in need to catch up since she got only a mini-nap yesterday.

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