Comin’ Home!

Dave set the alarm super early this morning, 545 am. Our flight was at 830 am, and we had to print out our boarding passes. Funny, last night, I’d warned Peyton that we needed to get to the airport and not to drag as she had every morning since we’d been there, even by 930 -11 am sometimes! This time, she popped up, beat me to the bathroom, and then after washing her hands, instead of going back to bed as she normally would anywhere else, she started brushing her teeth! She did great! She was totally ready to start her day. We left the hotel in 20 minutes, with the receptionist telling us we left too much time. He said the airport was only 10 minutes away. We got a cab, then headed to the airport. He reeked of heavy cologne, and Peyton was watching the tv screen in the backseat. We also encountered a detour, and then significant traffic. It was almost a 30 minute ride, and twice the fare that it would have been. The guy was trying to do what he could to weave in and out of traffic, but that was not good for Peyton. Halfway into the ride, she leaned her head into my shoulder, and I knew it was looking bleak. I rolled down my window not only for her , but me, too, as I was also watching tv, and the cologne was finally getting to me. Soon, she put her hand to her mouth and whined a bit. I pointed to Dave to quickly get the bag that he had carried his banana bread in to eat for breakfast. The only other bag I’d had was my new one! Yikes!! She puked just once into it, and then laid her head back down. She was quite subtle about it, and i’m not even sure if the cabbie knew what was going on or just ignored it. Luckily, it didn’t get all over the cab or anywhere else. We got to the airport, and Peyton was good by then. She carried her own stuff, and we got our boarding passes. She didn’t want to eat breakfast, but I knew better. We got her a plain bagel just in case. I got an egg white sandwich, then Dave got a bagel sandwich. We had to separate our food, since we were sitting a bit apart from each other. I ate what I could in the terminal, and she started to eat again. I saved the rest of her food for the flight, as I didn’t want to over-do it in case she got sick again in the air. Dave boarded first, in row 22, while we were in row 19. Both of us went right to sleep after figuring out the head phone situation. I think we slept for a few hours, as we missed snacks and drinks, and then the display said we were above Missouri. I’d done that flight many times. She watched a bit of tv on the screen, and she did fine. I caught her watching SpongeBob, so I asked her to change it to something else. There wasn’t a lot of programming available, but she did say she liked MTV the best! But it kept cutting out. She finally settled on a movie, and when I looked over, it was “American Pie”! I told her “okay, spongebob is fine,” without telling her any more. Geez…that was a close one. She told me she was a bit hungry again, so I gave her the rest of the bagel, and then we asked for water and our missed snacks. I took a bag of crackers back for Brandon, but she ate hers there. We also had apples from the hotel before falling asleep again. When she was up for good, she resumed channel surfing, while I watched the rest of a movie that was on. I later found out that Dave didn’t have service on his screen. He was given a voucher to comp him for his inconvenience. The card says, “You shouldn’t have to fly without TV!” Haha…like we did in the old days. They were going to comp him a drink, too, but since he’d gotten up too early, he was feeling a bit nauseous, too. We went potty once while we were airborne, just so I didn’t have to have her go while we weren’t supposed to get up or anything. She was happy to play Peek A Boo with Dave when we were waiting for the plane to deboard. I don’t think the other three rows in between them were as amused. She was really getting loopy those last 5 minutes. I told her to please keep it together, then we’d get off the plane and she could wiggle around more. On our way home, I asked her if she was excited to see Brandon. She said, “I MISS HIM!” We arrived home just 5 minutes before they did. She gave him a big bear hug, but he wasn’t amused. He pushed her off him. Poor thing. It’s 8 pm, and everyone is in bed and has been for at least 30 minutes. We’ll get back into the swing of things before Monday, I’m sure. We have to do some grocery shopping tomorrow, and I’m sure more errands. But it’s good to be home!!

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