Today, I picked the kids up, and I got Peyton first. We walked over to Brandon’s room, and I went one way, and Peyton ducked under the rail. I heard her call Brandon while I was coming in the back door. I walked through the room, and Grace said hi to me. I hadn’t seen her all summer long. I had already seen Hope yesterday, and again today. Brandon was in a good mood. He told me that Grace borrowed his kandama. I asked him how he felt about it and he said he didn’t care. I asked him if he threw a fit. He said he didn’t. Of course he didn’t. Faith borrowed Peyton’s and that was fine for her too.
I got them set up with two worksheets each in math. Brandon had a different response than yesterday, where he was throwing a fit to do them. Today, he was happy, and even told me it was too easy. They were the same type of problems! He finished before Peyton did! I think it had to do with the good mood he was in.
Peyton’s hair was done differently, as she pointed out to me. She turned around and said, “Do you like my hair?” I told her I noticed, and she asked me, “Guess who did it?” I named some of her friends, some teachers, and she finally said, “Faith did it!” They didn’t have a brush, so they used “a dinglehopper (peyton’s words).” She said, “You know, like Ariel, we used a fork.” She asked Hope if she could play basketball with her, and Hope said she didn’t care. Spoken just as Peyton would.
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