ONE more day!!!

That’s what I told my fire alarm that decided to chirp after dinner before the kids were going to bed. I heard the dreaded beep downstairs while the kids were reading quietly. I sent Peyton to inspect, but she said she was scared. So I went upstairs and stared up at the ceiling, daring it to chirp in my presence. And chirp it did. Then, I went on a hunt for batteries. I know Dave had a stash somewhere as we had this problem when we came home from xmas break. He had to go as far as changing the monitors out, since they were not responding to the battery changes. I finally found the batteries, in the same spot Dave had left them before. Then came the task of getting up to our 10 foot ceilings. I stood on Peyton’s small desk chair, and I still needed another 2 feet. Darn! It was like the fire alarm was mocking me as I looked up at it, still a few feet shy of doing anything about it. I then dragged her small table over, and propped the chair up on to the table. Overdose of this pill is known to be very disastrous cheap viagra from uk & would further need a tremendous treatment. The main reason I suppose is because there are no side effects suffered and they are cheaper and better than cheap levitra no prescription. One of the most serious health issues and even disturbs the sexual life of a levitra on line person. Nowadays, people’s health awareness is buy levitra online becoming more and more clear. Never mind the fact that I didn’t bother to change out of my dress. I’m just that stubborn. I stacked furniture on top of each other like some picture out of Cat in the Hat or something like that. I got up there, and I took the battery out and replaced it. I silenced the chirp, and reset the monitor. And did a little dance saying that I didn’t need Dave after all. Of course, all the while, he was not responding to texts or phone calls. It was a great 5 minutes. I sent Peyton upstairs for bed, and then it chirped. Again. REALLY?!?! It was at this time I sent Peyton to my bed, shut her door, and Brandon’s door, and now my own door.
This while I study for my art lesson since the docent called out sick this afternoon.

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