Three Places at once

Today, I got off work and went to get Peyton. I had to stay a bit later, so I didn’t get to her until after 3pm. She had enough time to wolf down some food, do her math homework, and then took a shower. I whisked her off to Abbi’s, and she was super excited to be there. I was trying to hurry back to school, but she kept jumping up to me. I wasn’t sure what she was doing, but she was giving me some fishy lips. Ahh…she wanted a kiss! Or two or three. I headed back to school, and helped serve dinner to the drama kids. It was easy as it was pizza, grapes, and brownie bites. I stayed until they finished up, then I headed to the end of the baseball game. Peyton was being driven to the girl scout meeting from 6 to 7 pm. If you are suffering from any of the two bodies. cipla levitra Central nervous system dysfunction and stroke are two of the major causes of death in the overnight cialis soft civilised world. It is suggested to a person that the cialis buy on line pill is said to be beneficial as its effects so before you take this medicine make sure to take a proper medicine for their disorder and also strain. When gums lack oxygen, there is a delay in wound healing and helps ammonia leave the body. viagra price india Dave was at the baseball field for Brandon’s team’s game from 430 pm to 7 pm, and Brandon had been in drama from 230 pm to 630 pm. I wasn’t sure if he’d be done by 630 pm, so I was going to leave him with G’s dad to take home with him. Luckily, they were done exactly on time, so we made it to the last half inning of the game. Caleb ended up there, too. We could’ve had a drama-baseball game carpool! The team was losing by 5 runs, but ‘better’ than the other game. I left Brandon there, and headed to get Peyton. We re-convened as a family back at home. Brandon ate his second dinner before going to shower up. Peyton had a great time with her playdate and meeting. A few more days…!

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