I left work and headed straight to the softball game. I got there to see the team warming up.
Grounders work:
Peyton was lead off batter today. Peyton’s team was the home team, so she had to wait a half-inning to get up. She played second base the first inning on defense. Not much came her way, but she was in ready position. It is hard to get a good defensive play on “film”.
But it’s easier to get offensive at-bats.
Lead off…
The girls batted well, and they almost got around the batting order, but got 4 runs first, so the side was retired.
She played center field for the second inning. I think she and Dave were just chatting out there. No balls were being hit her way, but she was mostly in ready position.
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For the final inning, she played third base, and the other team started to hit a few balls. Peyton had runners on first and second, and the ball was hit toward third base. She fielded the grounder, and ran right back to her base for the force out!
Final at-bat:
I left to go rescue G’s family from “Brandon”. I had texted G’s mom to help me get Brandon from drama. G’s dad drove him home, and I went there from the game to pick him up. In the 10 minutes that he was out there, he managed to step in Cody’s poop. In his socks. Yup, no shoes on, running around outside with G and H. UGH. He was safe and sound, and we headed home just as Dave and Peyton were entering the front door. Another late night! Piano was practiced by Peyton, and then both kids went down well after 830 pm. The first performance is tomorrow!