Ball Recap and Beauty and the Beast

Friday night, while my mom and I waited for our seats at Aladdin, Dave and Peyton were at her game. I missed the whole thing, and I was sad because she was the starting pitcher! I got a few updates from Dave, but she struck someone out! I think that may be a first for her.

Saturday morning, Dave took her to take team pictures, then he headed to the game with her. I stayed with Brandon, had him practice piano, and then headed out, too, but on foot. We walked to the middle school just as the game was starting. Dave mentioned it was cold, but by the time we’d walked there, the sun had come up, and my jacket was too much.

Peyton’s first at-bat

She was in the middle of the order and only got two at-bats this game.
She was struck out the final at-bat, and per Dave, she had tears in her eyes. But when I saw her, she was smiley and had recovered enough to the point that I couldn’t tell.

After the game, Peyton went to get lunch with Dave, while Brandon, my mom and I walked back, taking a detour and walking past G’s house. We saw H waving to us from her room. We got Brandon ready for his game, then Peyton and Dave came back with sandwiches. I had Peyton take a nap since she’d been up late the night before, and had pictures early in the morning. She told me she wasn’t tired and was only going to lie down. This is what I got not 5 minutes later. Suuure.

  She got up just before we needed to leave to go to Brandon’s game. She was so slow walking, we missed the first half of the inning! It was already 4-0 them by the time we got there. It was a tough game, but the Rangers managed a come back, having a 5-run inning at one point, and with good pitching! Brandon pitched the third and fourth inning, and he struck three batters faced in 2 innings. He’s got the lowest ERA on the team, but it’s still 9 😉

We ended our evening a bit early, as the kids were exhausted. I slept with Peyton to get more sleep this morning, since she needed it for today. It worked! When we woke up, I asked her what time it was. And it was 845 am! But we rushed through piano, and got ready for her party with Daniel. I warned her we had to go by 12 pm. We were running late, and when i went to start my car, the battery was dead. Again. Someone had left the passenger door open. 🙁 It had been since Friday night, from the performance, when I’d driven home from Aladdin. MOM! I think. We quickly switched to Dave’s car, as he needed the big car to jump the car in the driveway like last time. We made it to the gym in 7 minutes, just 2 minutes late! I didn’t know it was that close, though it was the next city over. I warned her to integrate quickly, and not be too shy. She checked in, got a name tag, and headed to the group, already running around a giant parachute. I took her shoes and socks, and then, when I turned around, she was gone! She was in the circle, laughing and having fun with her friends. Monkeys!

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She was one of two non-related girls (the birthday boy’s sister was there in the mix). Luckily, it’s a girl she knows from her class. They had a great time at the different stations, while I talked to the little league mom I knew. I kept my eye on the clock, but fortunately, she was able to participate in all the fun they were having. The party switched to the food area at 12 p. I signaled to her it was time to go, and she agreed. She took her lunch on the road, thanked the birthday boy and his parents. We headed out, and after she finished her lunch, she changed her clothes. She had a dress to put on, and we found a parking spot much closer than the last time we saw Lion King. We were able to walk, not run, over two blocks. She remembered the last time we’d been, there had been a race there and parking was limited. Streets were also closed then. Not the case today, so we made good time. We met up with Bonnie and the boys outside in the front of the theater before going inside to grab boosters and go to the restroom before sitting down for good. Michelle and Mckayla came in just after we’d sat down, and the kids all started chatting with each other. Soon, the show started! I was a bit concerned Peyton didn’t have a nap. But she kept it together. At intermission, we went potty again, then headed outside to find our friends. Mckayla was easy to spot with her bright yellow dress, aside from the other girls dressed as Belle. Mckayla shared her chocolate bar with her friends. Peyton shared a square with me, then gobbled up the rest. We went back in for the second half, and it was much shorter. We headed back outside after the show was done and waited while Stuart came to get Bonnie, Logan and Connor. The kids were playing around the little decorative pond, and i was hoping no one fell in. They were tempting fate with that and along with trying to play tag. Peyton was in sandals, so I told her not a good idea, since she was wearing an outfit my mom had given to her for her birthday. I didn’t want holes on its first wear! She was able to add up some of the money to keep her busy looking at the pond, then when Bonnie got the call, we headed back to the car. We made it home, and Peyton showered up then helped me with my puzzle. Brandon and Dave were at baseball practice until 5 pm. We went out to get dinner and groceries, then came home for an early bedtime. Here’s to one more week before spring break!






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