
This whole morning, I was telling Peyton that she needed to apologize to coach for melting down yesterday. Initially, she just wanted to say, “Sorry.” I told her that wasn’t enough. She then said, “Sorry about yesterday.” I told her that she didn’t have a subject. She needed to tell him WHO was sorry. So, she finally rehearsed, “I’m sorry about my meltdown yesterday.” We left super early for the game, which was to start at 1 pm, with practice at 12 pm. We left home at 10 am, with a coffee run upon arrival. There was a bit more beach traffic as expected, but it wasn’t too bad since we were early. We got to the park just after 11 am, and we found A and Coach. Peyton didn’t want to say anything, and was going to back out, but I reminded her of the consequences – no beach time, no ice cream. She wanted me to initiate contact. I told her I did not want to, and she needed to do it herself. I told her it was better she do it early rather than have too many other people around. She was still hesitant. Soon another teammate arrived, and she really didn’t want to say anything. A and E were playing around, with Peyton dreading doing what she knew she had to do. Finally, it was time to walk down to practice. I bailed her out by telling her, “Coach, Peyton has something to tell you.” He turned to her and looked down. She mumbled “Sorry about my meltdown yesterday.” But he couldn’t hear her, so she had to repeat herself. She thought she was off the hook and sunk back, but he pulled her along with him and explained more about why it wasn’t okay. It hurt the team, and she needed to be there for her teammates. He knew about getting frustrated and upset sometimes, but she had to pull it together and press on. They walked and talked a bit more, and then I could tell she was relieved. And she did tell him it wouldn’t happen again. She started off practice in good spirits, hitting first with him. He even made her an example, having the other girls watch her swing to see where the end of her bat ended up when she was done.

Slo mo…

Funny, was that two other dads were chatting behind me yesterday while she was batting commenting to each other about Peyton’s swing. It was a bit awkward to hear, as I was concentrating on videoing her, while they were chatting away. Finally, another mom came up to me and said she really liked Peyton’s swing. I told her that Peyton practices a lot with Dave and has for a long time on that swing. She needs to continue to work on getting a quicker bat so that she can hit the fast pitchers.

The game started just after 1 pm. Peyton was leading off at batter.

She was able to hit off coach and got a double.

The team scored three runs in the first inning.

When the other team was up in the second inning, Peyton told me she was starting to pitch. It’s always very unnerving to me when she is pitcher. So much rides on the pitching, as even 1 strike is helpful when the coach comes in to pitch. And I think people know I get nervous, as they come up and talk to me. My HS friend came up and said hello while Peyton was pitching. Here was Peyton pitching the second inning; I think it was the first game, but we were at the same field two games in a row, playing two red teams, so I’m not sure..

second time off the coach:

She pitched three strikes in a row!

The team won the first game 3-1, holding the other team in the bottom of the 3rd inning.

She started pitching the final game, where we were the home team. She ended up striking out 4 batters that game, 2 batters the first game (per Dave per the Coach who was keeping track).

The final game was a bit of a disaster, with Peyton pitching two innings. She started the game even! She had one long inning, where she had 2 outs, and 2 strikes, then she hit a girl. She ended up blowing the inning, with 4 coming in. She did get a bit upset in the dugout after she came off, but she was up to bat next, so she couldn’t stew long in that. Even though it was a tough loss, the team won second place in their bracket. They showed some heart, as it was pretty warm. The parents were hot in the shady stands, and I can only imagine what the girls feel like with their polyester uniforms and hot socks that go up to their knees.

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We ended up getting ice cream after dinner tonight. No beach time.  She was just as happy about that. 

Pictures from the day:

Starting our day. 

She got to start the final game at the plate.  Team “captains ” get to meet with the ump.  She’d not done it all season. 

Awaiting medal ceremony:

Presenting her the medal. She was just going to take it but he put it around her neck. 

Silly picture: coaches are more into it than girls

Pretending to sleep:

Not pretending on our drive home 

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