Dave went to work this morning before 7 am. My alarm was still on for work, so I was up at 645 am. I snoozed a bit, but it didn’t last long. I got up and got ready to go to my parents’ house as a half-way point. They had tickets to go to Alcatraz and were going to take the kids. I got us up to my parents, then my dad drove the rest of the way. Peyton had complained of a tummy ache and hadn’t finished all her breakfast, just a piece of toast with PB. I was afraid she was going to throw up! She’d just told me in the car ride to my parents’ house that she’d thrown up in DC! She told me, “Grandma didn’t tell you?” I asked her where she threw up, and she said “In the Red Carpet Club.” Well, if you must throw up, that’s one of the nicest places to do so. I asked her if it was in the bathroom, and she said, “NO, in the trash can.” But she said she did feel better afterward. I’d given her sea bands to wear on the way up. When we got up to the SF, it was much cooler than home. Good thing the kids did listen to me to dress warmer. Brandon had shorts on and warm ups over with a thick sweatshirt. Peyton wore what I left out for her, and even asked for a bit more color since her outfit was mostly black and white. They both bundled up, and I waited on the pier for them to get their tickets. Once they headed in the line for boarding, I headed in the opposite direction to go shopping! My dad wanted me to go instead of him, but I really wanted to enjoy my alone time! My mom convinced him to stay with them while I made my way down back toward the ferry building, took a look through, then headed up toward the square. I went to look around there before heading to the mall. I had plenty of time to roam around and look through many of the stores. Hip replacement may be necessary when other options such as sildenafil sale 100 mg. Weakness issue happens at male organ range and keeps men from including into solid sex-related workout. purchase viagra online navigate to these guys is one of the prescribed and advised medicines for treating Erectile Dysfunction. The branded cialis 5mg cheap oint medical representative for the live promotion of the medicine. When this takes place, men that use anabolic steroids usually, but not always, feel the effects of this after they have actually finished continue reading now now viagra prescription using the steroid i.e. the time in the cycle when that is off steroid use. I tried clothes on, bought some stuff, and just hung out. I did get hungry around 2pm and stopped for an acai bowl. Then, my parents started texting me and finally calling me. They were going to come by and get me and go to my grandma’s house. Then, I had to rush and then stand by the corner waiting for them. It was the most unsafe I felt, since I was a sitting duck. I’d kept my head about me walking around alone, but this was the first time I felt more vulnerable. Finally, with what seemed like hours (it was 5 minutes tops), I saw them. I hopped in the car, and we headed to the other side of the city. Peyton fell asleep on my shoulder. Brandon was excitedly showing me his book and telling me about what they did. Peyton woke up when we arrived to eat dumplings. My grandma was there already with my uncle and aunt. We ate quickly as the kids were hungry. Peyton doesn’t really like dumplings, but she went to town on the green beans! I think she had half the plate. Brandon ate everything in sight, including the chili oil, to my grandmother’s horror! My dad drove us back to their house, where we cleaned up my old room a bit, with lots of Brandon’s help, before we headed home. Dave was just getting home, and the kids had a second meal of salad and pork chops. They were exhausted by the end.