Late post

Julie and Theresa were gracious and planned a summer shindig for us all. They even arrived early to secure a spot for us. I wasn’t quite sure on bringing Brandon but Dave was loading up the car meaning he was ready. We made two stops to get coffee and donuts. We had a late start as we were watching the olympics and had nothing to do.  Dave had lots to keep them entertained: basketball, baseball and tennis. The kids managed to do all three!  I quarantined Brandon for the most part, telling him to not help himself to any food. Even still, that meant we had to. He was completely fine given he had wings, egg rolls, Spam musubi (the main reason Dave showed up that day, thanks to Bonnie for making it!!) and a donut. Soon the other kids showed up and Peyton became an honorary Brown boy. She played with Con and Lo climbing up a rock and watched as Con got soaked in the water structure.  They played together on the basektball court, too.  Brandon seemed to be fine when bocce ball was brought out. He had over eaten on the bad food and was complaining about his tummy hurting again, but really, he was fine enough to fight with his sister.  Martin did a great job of referring and the game ended in a tie.  We stayed out long enough for Kathy and Kira to show up. We took a big group picture before breaking down our gear. With many hands, we made light work.  

The next day, we went kite flying again and scootering

Monday was mommy camp part two. We had piano and homework in the morning. In the afternoon, we went to piano lessons before Dave took Brandon to his final class.  

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Dave asked if we planned to match. 

A little prettier second slice. 

She got the first slice and took one for the team 

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