Brandon’s been gone for now 24 hours. Peyton took her opportunity to whisper in my ear if she could stay with us. She told me to whisper back, but I laughed. I told her to go to her own bed, but when we went upstairs, I asked him if I could go get her. Dave agreed! I asked him why not Brandon. His response, “He’s bony macaroni and she’s cuddly.” I picked her up from her bed and carried her over. I banged her foot into one door and possibly her head into the next. But she didn’t wake up!
She also sleeps in! In fact I heard Dave leave for work, but we didn’t get up until much later. To the tune of, “Mommy, it’s 9:05!” I then got up, got ready and we headed out on foot again. She dislikes it, but I told her acai bowl breakfasts were what was at our destination. We walked through the neighborhood, saw a baseball mom coming out of her house, then headed into the local shopping center. We got two bowls and ate them there. It was a bit too air conditioned, but we stuck it out. It took her awhile to finish, but she eventually did with some help. We went next door to paint pottery. Bonnie had given me a gift certificate two years ago now! We picked a set of coasters and agreed to split up the project. We did unknowingly coordinate our colors. In fact, after I poured hers out, and got my own and went back to the table, we realized we had the same colors! I told her to take her time. And she definitely did! Over three hours worth! We definitely earned out sitting fee as group after group came and went. We even saw a softball teammate. The girls recognized each other but both were a bit embarrassed to say anything. The moms finally took over and introduced the girls again. That mom had her hands full as she had L and her little sister. We continued to paint and I finished up before Peyton. She was telling me about the time we went to Stanford to paint. I’d forgotten the location, but she was right. It was at T and C shopping center next door to the school. She’d asked me how she got to the bed last night. I told her I had to carry her. She laughed and couldn’t believe she didn’t remember. I even told her I’d bumped her into the walk and luckily, she found it funny. Finally, we finished up. She did a great job asking the attendant for help as well as asking another group to borrow the color she’d wanted. She’s getting more confident now which is good to see. We walked back home with much less whining. Then I gave her a choice of piano or reading first. Both were undesirable but she chose piano. Then we read one of her online books before tuning into the olympics. We got up to 10k steps today!
Dave came home and decided to take her to golf land. She schooled us in skeeball and came within 1000 points of today’s high score. We played air hockey, and she lost graciously. And did some hoops and baseball throws at the clown. We ended with more olympics and a yogurt for her. Tomorrow we find out the kids’ teachers!!
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Tonight, she asked if she could stay with us again. Not wanting to carry her, I told her to start out there. She was so excited! I just found her in my bed but this time she brought her own pillow! She’s getting too comfy.