First jamboree

Peyton had her game yesterday, and she and Hope were told not to shoot anymore. Peyton would pass to a girl and that girl would pass right back. Peyton would take a look at the basket then remember her missive and pass again. There were two kids they were supposed to pass to.  One mom didn’t get it, and she yelled to Peyton to shoot the ball since she was right in front of it.  Today, she got her chance.  She was starting five in the first game.  She saw the row of chairs across the gym and asked if her team would be sitting in those.  I was worried she didn’t want to sit so far from us.  She asked, “So we can sit in them like Brandon’s team does for Coop Hopps? And how his team sits for sybl?”  Yes. I asked her what she sits on in SYBL.  She told me, “The ground.”  So she wasn’t concerned about the chairs and sitting so far away.  She was happy to sit on chairs and wait her turn!  She even mentioned one was not padded but the rest were. 

The game started, but she played timidly. Maybe I’d told her not to foul so she kept her hands down. Or she was nervous. Or both.  She came back with more aggression in the second half. She ended up scoring one basket.  

The second game, they were playing an even harder team. We’d seen them play the game before ours. Peyton groaned at the thought. Dave left us to take Brandon to his game. We had to hang around the gym for over an hour and sat through two games.  She was bored but hung in there. We were invited to lunch, but we didn’t have a car.  Peyton didn’t want to walk the mile or so so we stayed.  When the two of her teammates came back, she was excited to see them. To the point she waved to them and went up to them and said, “hi!”   Three of them went up to the top of the stands to watch the game. I was hoping she’d be safe and not fall off the top.  The three of them were just chatting amongst themselves. One kid noticed her shoes were LBJ’s and peyton told him what her nickname was for him: Jabron Lames.  He laughed at that.  They stayed up there then came down to watch the game with the adults.  Soon, more kids showed up, and they had more interaction.  They are really bonding.  When the second game started, the kids did better than expected. Peyton was the starting five again  and got to tip off. Peyton scored two baskets and made a free throw! The total number of points was 12.  All of her practice has paid off!  In the end, both games were blowouts but all things considered, the kids have come a long way since they met each other back in October. Most of the time, Peyton played point guard, but sometimes she’d inbounds and then brush past the point guard and whisper something. Later, I asked her if she told them to pass to her.  She said, “Yeah.”  And two times, they did and she had an open lane.  She managed to get open.  Ryan would also tell her to just take the shot.  She got many rebounds. Brandon even helped cheer Peyton’s team on. It was great to see. 
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We got home, the kids showered, then practiced the piano. I left for dinner with the girls to celebrate the January birthdays. Another great meal with desserts by Thuy. I got home and the kids were still up watching tv in my room. Clearly they didn’t miss me at all. 

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