Brandon’s Birthday Celebration

This morning, the kids got up before my 7 am alarm. We all got ready to go. Dave and Brandon left first, and Peyton and I had a little time to hang out at home. She made the most of her time by practicing piano. We went to get the girls for the party. We met the boys at the movies. They were all excited, and we kept them in the lobby until it was time to head in. When they were “let loose”, they ran into the theater with a war cry! We were in the last two rows, and the boys entered the third row, and climbed up the seats! It was nuts, and all I could do was keep the girls from climbing, and walked in front of these nice people who happened to be sitting next to our party. I could not look them in the eye! We got the kids situated, and the dads sat all together. We’d already did a potty call, so that was hopefully not an issue. All the boys sat together except for one who was the 11th kid. There were 2 rows of 10, so he had to sit next to the girls. H wanted to sit next to F and Peyton, so that’s what she did, while P wanted to sit next to me. G sat on F’s other side. She loves the previews, so she enjoyed that, while we just wanted the movie to get started. The staff passed out snack packs to all the kids, and one dad was going to steal some popcorn from his kid before we told him he got one, too! His response, “OH, cool!”

The movie wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be (we’d heard about “BUTT” jokes), but the kids did well once the movie started. Peyton got a little antsy as usual, and H and F were complaining about something. I asked P what was going on, and she said F was trying to steal H’s popcorn. I told Peyton to let H know she can put it between them, away from F. I helped them both open their gummies, and there was minimal noise. We didn’t hear from the boys at all, so that was great. I had Dave rush up to meet the boys at the end of the movie. In order to minimize the chaos, we hurried them into the party room. Some of them went to use the restroom again, then came back to join us for cake.

Baseball and basketball game (Brandon’s) were competing interests. Baseball teams were just announced this week, and practices are just starting. Brandon’s basketball team had their game scheduled just this week to start at 1130 am, so two of the kids on his team at the party left as soon as the movie was over. Brandon was to have changed in his uniform and headed over as soon as the party was over, but he forgot his jersey top. After the last kid was picked up right at 1130 am, I took the girls home while Dave took Brandon home to get his jersey. We then headed to Cole’s birthday party at golfland. She was the only girl invited, but it didn’t stop her from having a good time. The mom told me that she knew Peyton was the only girl, and she said her son didn’t even give a second thought when he invited her. I told her that Peyton didn’t care, even though I told her in advance. They’d been friends since kindergarten. She got into the second grouping, behind the birthday boy, and three of her other classmates. The birthday boy and another boy are super sporty, so they moved along nicely. Her group had a kid and his little brother, in pre-school, and I didn’t know them. They were also not supervised as the first foursome was by the party host. Peyton was okay with it, but she did much better than her own group and wanted to keep joining the second group. The first hole out, she got a hole in one! That immediately sent her to the next group. We made it through 18 holes without any injuries, though the kids had to be watched closely for errant clubs. One mom that was there had gotten 4 stitches in her forehead from her kid hitting her on a corkscrew obstacle. That made me worry even more. After golf, we headed to get lunch. She ate two pieces of pizza and some veggies but I gave her a time check, since we had to leave at 115 pm for basketball practice. She didn’t want to leave, as they were going to hand out video game cards. As we said thank you and goodbye, she was handed a goodie bag, so she was happy with that. We made it to practice 10 minutes late, just after warm ups. She sauntered onto the court, just as push ups were being completed. Dave laughed that she had done that, knowing she wouldn’t want to rush to join that. She kept up, and they even had a new drill, working on passes. They separated the large team, so that H and P, Jeremy and Damon were together. The boys’ dads worked with them, mixing up kids between the four of them to practice the skills.

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We went to dinner after that, and then it was the rest of piano practice for Peyton, and rehearsal for Brandon’s jackie robinson presentation tomorrow. He’ll be wearing his jersey and hat to give his talk. He’s supposed to give it in first person, so he was practicing his delivery. He would say, “Hi, I’m Jackie Robinson, Look up.” He was practicing eye contact, but he’d say, “LOOK UP” and then look up at us. We had to remind him to NOT SAY LOOK UP. He said of course he wouldn’t, but I don’t know.

Here’s to another week, our last before a little break đŸ™‚

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