Monday was a class play in Peyton’s classroom, and parents were invited to attend. I stayed around in the morning for the play, as Peyton mentioned she had tried out for a part, the announcer. They had been working on it since last week. She said three people tried out for announcer, but only two of them made it.
She didn’t want to bring any of it home to review, as they were working on it during school. I was encouraging her to memorize, but she said she had lots of parts to remember, as she was announcing the parts and their roles.
I got her a cute outfit in the morning, but then asked her to put a sweatshirt on. School starts at 815 am, but we were not invited in until 840 am. I met with the other parents outside and we chatted a bit before being invited in. I noticed she was still wearing her sweatshirt, but she resisted removing it. I didn’t want to push the issue, so I just ignored it. I missed the first second or so as I thought the camera was going already. Her teacher introduced her first, then she started.
I left for work after a quick hug, then when I got home, we got ready for Brandon’s game. Peyton had been left home alone for less than 10 minutes as Dave knew I was coming home. She was to practice piano and read so we could head out for Brandon’s playoff game. They were playing a team that they’d played closely all throughout the season. His friends were on the other team, so there was a lot of pride at stake. We arrived just as a player on the other team hit a homerun. Brandon did contribute with his bat
, but he also fielded a ball in left field, as it one-hopped right into his glove, and he fired a strike at the all star short stop, who then fired the ball to the catcher who tagged the runner (who started at second) out at the plate. It was an awesome play!
Unfortunately, even in extra innings, they could not pull off the defeat. It was tied through 7 innings when the bases were loaded, and then a base hit scored runs for the walk off. We headed out for dinner but not before saying hello to some of the softball coaches at the batting cages.
This morning, I dropped Peyton off at her line, then headed to Brandon’s class. The teacher was reviewing the rules with the students and announcing the carpools. She gave me the stack of instructions for the other parents who had not yet arrived. When she announced my car, the whole class erupted in hoots and hollering, as the three boys (mine included) were quite the handful and the other kids knew it. When the boys came to me, the one boy, T, said, “I’m crazy!” I looked him right in the eye, and said, “Not today, you’re not. Not with me.” He was calm and serious after that. I had already warned and requested Brandon’s help with any unruly kids in our car. He brought a deck of cards to play with his passengers. When we got to the car and buckled up, the boys did great playing 21 in the back. One kid, T, didn’t know how to play, but the other two had him deal and watch a few rounds before letting him join in. It was a peaceful 20 minute trip. I thanked them for helping me arrive safely, and we headed to the picnic area where we were to set up. The rest of the time was easy, as we, the parents, weren’t asked to do anything! One mom brought card and dice games to entertain the other moms, and I had conversations with a few different parents there. The swim hour was from 11-12, and then lunch was to be served after that. It was a peaceful relaxing time. I did go up to the pool at 11 am just to be another pair of eyes up there. There was only one lifeguard for a time, so the kids were to grab part of the wall until a second one was called in. Then, they did some jumping off the side of the pool, which they all enjoyed. Brandon and his friends didn’t last long, as it was too cold they said. I’m glad he did wear his goggles and shirt. He initially didn’t want to wear his shirt, as his friends were not, but I gave him “the look” as he would have had to wear sunblock, and he hadn’t put it on his torso, shoulders or back.
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we all ate lunch there, then after some cleaning up by the kids, then we headed back home. I was heading back before the teacher, so she handed me her keys to open up the classroom. Most of the kids had come back before me even as I couldn’t back up safely with lots of kids walking in the parking lot. I opened up the classroom just after the bell had rung. I had the kids sit in their seats, as I wasn’t sure if it was okay to release them. I didn’t want to lose track of carfulls of people coming back, but she was just behind me by a few minutes. She was impressed I had the class all sitting down in their seats (She later told me at the pta meeting, more on that to come).
The kids were then dismissed, and then Brandon and I went to go get Peyton. I found out that some kids were already lining up their Wednesday morning middle school classrooms at the elementary school. The middle school doesn’t start until 930 am, so lots of the former kids come back to volunteer their time in classrooms. I don’t want Brandon to volunteer in the 5th grade, because he has a lot of 4th grade friends, and also not 3rd grade to avoid Peyton’s grade level. So we walked by his 4th grade classroom, and he asked his former teacher. She said she had 8 other kids who were interested, so he could be in the rotation if he liked it. She suggested he go to another teacher and ask. We walked over to his first grade teacher, who had just walked by, and he started with, “Excuse me, Mrs. L. I was wondering if I could help out next year for you on Wednesdays.” She was super excited for his help, and even asked if he had a friend who he’d like to work with. He said he didn’t, but I don’t know that he would need someone else. It’s best for him if he’s alone. Glad he has something to do, even though he said he’d be “working on projects” on his own. Riiight.
We came home, did piano, and Brandon showered to get the “creek” off of him. Then, shortly after, Dave came home. He was there to take Peyton to her batting cages practice. She took a quick nap, as she, too, had field day, but it was on campus. I fell asleep and stayed that way after they left! I woke up and was not alert nor oriented for a few minutes! I was super tired. Then, as I came to, and realized I should probably go get Peyton to take her to her final girl scout meeting of the year. She was in the cage when I arrived and smacking the balls. She said her coach said she hit about 3 homeruns! She came out and asked if she was late for the meeting, as she wanted to hit one more round of faster balls. She was hitting them at 40 mph, and she wanted 45 mph. She stayed to hit those, and then we left. Brandon and her teammate’s brother were both in the cage, too. Here’s her slow mo:
We arrived at the GS meeting just in time for her special surprise, the back packs for camping! They are to use those SOLELY for their gear. Everything is supposed to fit in the backpack or they are not able to bring it. We’ll see how she does with that missive. Luckily, it expands and there are many different straps for her to use fully.
After I dropped her off I attended my last pta meeting. Here is what I brought: