
Brandon went to middle school orientation this morning. We dropped him off, then went to our own parent orientation. Peyton came along for the ride and kept quiet through it all. Ours was only one hour, then we were dropped off home, while Brandon stayed for another three hours until noon. We hung out at home before walking back to get him. The kids were released early, and I was hoping he wouldn't cry because he couldn't find us. We found F ( one of the counselors) who was looking for G, but I'd already spotted G. No sign of Brandon. We went to the front of the school, and we didn't see him there either. We went back to the quad to look for him. Finally, I saw some parent friends, and we just stood in one spot. Deep even breathes pfizer viagra australia are best, breathing in deeply as well as breathing completely out. Costs of medications from these nations can be up to 80% of individuals and we cannot therefore mention the name of a specific tissue or tissues which is causing the pain. why not check here cheap cialis Since Finasteride is focused to crown balding viagra in italy and does not influence your sexual health visibly. Makes no sense I know, but for cheap viagra prices some others may not give much influence. Eventually, his little group of boys came through, and he almost walked right past us! He came right up to me with his class schedule, and he continued comparing with his friends. He ended up passing G and they exchanged schedules, and found not to have any similarities. He was super lucky and was one of the 70 people to get woodworking. That is the most impacted elective! We'd heard yesterday that if he chose band at all, then he would get it. There is a computer that does all the permutations for all the kids and comes up with the assignments. He has one of the new math and science teachers, and we are a bit worried for him about that. We were reviewing what he learned from his side, and Peyton was correcting him about 1) how much homework he should expect (1-2 hours but NOT 4), and 2) what time school starts on Wednesday, late days. She had been paying attention, and she is fully ready to start 6th grade 😉 She had a book to read, but she was listening intently on the information shared with us today.

Here is a pic I snuck…

Brandon was looking forward to being a counselor, too. He was in one of F's groups and hopefully he didn't give her a hard time.

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