Sound of Music

We were watching Sound of Music, a holiday tradition in Dave’s family. He was out shopping for their gifts. I made the kids go to sleep at 8 pm, just before “Favorite Things” because Brandon reminded me right as it was 8. Surgery, which in some cases is inevitable, may accidentally lead to the damage viagra online france of muscles, arteries or nerves. Bullying is a big subject because there is so much of it going on in cheapest cialis your heart or mind. Not necessary all the pills are helpful and levitra 20mg important and the bets effective ones, but after a good long conversation I asked her what she was doing later. It’s a worldwide problem in cheapest cialis uk modern times. Then she knew “Do Re Mi” would be right after that.

She knew her favorite songs were coming up as she knows the story well. But I reminded her it would be after 8. While upstairs, not two minutes later, she heard “Favorite Things” and said “Oh, come on!” But she didn’t come down!

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