The Crash

Yesterday, Peyton had practice at 6 pm. I got her and got home before 5 pm; she changed and Dave had come home during that time as well. We all went to get Brandon just after 5 pm from volleyball practice. We headed to practice taking a different way than last week. Last week by freeway took us almost an hour. We took surface streets, and we were stop and go on the street. Dave stopped, but unfortunately, the car behind us kept going. Dave said he saw it happening, so he took his foot off the brake. I was just trying to go to sleep, as I still had another 20 minutes of naptime. We were in the middle lane, so I asked the kids to turn around and get the license plate number in case the person tried to bolt. Dave moved over, and then motioned for her to move over with us. She obliged, and pulled in front of him, while we pulled behind her. Dave went to go get her information, while I called the police, as Dave wanted a report. The police told us if no injuries, then just exchange information. The lady didn’t speak much ENglish, and called her husband and gave her phone to Dave. She didn’t have insurance. She didn’t have a driver’s license. Nothing. Dave was on the ground trying to inspect the undercarriage of the car, but I told him it wasn’t worth it, lying in the street (though it was the side street). He started getting more upset with the man on the phone, and though I’d hung up with the police by now, I was going to call them back. I did get a hold of them a second time to tell them we were hit by an uninsured driver, and that she was giving us problems in terms of giving us her information. That’s when I was transferred to dispatch, and they were going to send someone out to us. She heard that the police were coming and she kept repeating, “Oh my god, oh my god.” I wouldn’t look her in the eye, and I was pacing away from our car. The kids were both inside, and surprisingly quiet. It was dusk now, and they were mostly obscured inside, but could see all that was going on with us. Dave didn’t see anything wrong with the car from what he was able to, but he did call the phone number back to confirm it was who they said it was. Dave called off the dispatched officer, and we let the lady go. Dave didn’t want to wait around as we were already late for practice. I texted Peyton’s coach to let him know we’d be late and more importantly why. His last words to us at Sunday’s practice was “don’t be late!” We aren’t on the weekends, but the weekdays are a bit harder. When we arrived at practice 20 minutes late, I walked in with the kids while Dave parked the car. Coach didn’t say anything to me, other than hi, and he instructed Peyton to get her stretches in before hitting. When Dave came in later with dinner, coach asked him, “You playing bumper cars out there?” Brandon had my laptop there and worked on his English project, while Dave and I ate. Later, Brandon ate.

We got home after 830 pm, and Brandon was washing up his dishes from lunch. I was getting Peyton her dinner, and she was just starting to eat. I noticed the kitchen light was out, so Dave went to get the replacement bulb upstairs. He was changing it over the sink when he reached for it, and it popped, spraying glass everywhere! Brandon freaked out and turned around, but by that time, there was glass on the floor! I shouted for him to stay still (seriously…it’s Brandon, how is that even possible?!). I got the vacuum and started getting the area around him, while Dave went to get the other vacuum and did the rest of the kitchen. There was glass under our kitchen table. Peyton was still eating, slowly, watching it all unfold. I told Brandon to just leave the dishes, while I sent him up to bed. Peyton still had piano to do, which she did after showering up. All in all, the kids were in bed before 10 pm, which is earlier than last week.

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They slept well, and late, until 720 am.
Today was an “early” day, so I picked Peyton up first. Brandon texted that he was done, and I told him to sit tight as I was coming from CDC. I got him and we were home just after 5 pm. Both asked what they needed to do tonight. Dave was late in coming home, so they showered and did their homework until he did. BOth kids were sent to bed before 730 pm. Brandon willingly, while Peyton lagged, but went. I couldn’t believe they slept so early, but I guess they were tired. Tomorrow, Brandon has a game at 345 pm, Peyton has piano from 245 pm to 330 pm, and then basketball practice from 5-630pm. Never a dull moment. Is it Friday yet?

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