Raise your hand

Peyton’s GA troop took a pledge to earn their “Raise Your Hand” badge. It was started by a Girl Scout who noticed boys always raise their hands while many girls do not. I know that Peyton is one of those girls.

Peyton said her teacher has cards and calls out kids’ names so there isn’t a lot of hand-raising. She said. So I told her I’d reserve her badge until I saw her raise her hand.

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The docent started out the lesson asking if anyone could name the teenage mutant Ninja turtles. I was glueing papers next to where Peyton was sitting and suddenly her hand shot up in the air. He called on her, and she answered, “Michaelangelo!” She cheated a bit as the sheets I was glueing contained a blurb about him. And she doesn’t answer unless she knows she’s 100% right. But nevertheless, the hand went up as she wanted to be called on. Now, I’ll have to sew that thing on soon enough.

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