
This weekend’s tourney in Stockton was rained out as of Tuesday. There were fewer teams and more rain expected, so we had a “free” weekend for Peyton. We knew she had her first basketball clinic with the 3rd and 4th grade girls last night. Dave and H’s dad were running clinic. Brandon’s old coach from little league was there with his daughter, and there were a few other fourth graders we knew.

Brandon’s little league was rained out this morning, so we all headed to work with Dave. The kids did their reading while I read my “homework” for my recertification. When he was done, we tried to go check out a place I had heard of, but it was a 2-2.5 hour wait, and it was already 10 am. As we were pulling in, I recognized Brandon’s 4th grade teacher’s car. She was inside with another teacher from school; both were an awfully long way from school! One of the teachers lives in the area, which was hard to believe that she commutes that far to teach. We headed more south for just a regular breakfast we’ve been to versus the Hawaiian breakfast we’d been hoping for. Brandon’s teacher is Hawaiian and did vouch for it, but Dave was not waiting around for 2 hours.

We then got home and Peyton started her diorama for her sea otters. Then, we got a text from H’s dad that while he was on single dad duty, he was giving the girls a green light for a sleepover such that each girl got to pick another girl to sleepover. H asked Peyton. She quickly finished her project, piano and packed. H’s dad was going to come get Peyton after 5pm, so she had plenty of time to do all those things.

Here’s her piano song, one week after learning it, having started it last Friday:
Here’s her project:

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she carved these on her own:

And she even took a nap before taking a shower to re-do her hair. Then, cleaning up her room before she left. A very productive day for her.

Brandon had two games for his travel team, so I caught the last half, while watching the full second game.Unfortunately, they lost so they’ll play at 8 am.

The girls have a basketball game at 5 pm tomorrow. Hopefully she’ll get enough rest or we can get her and then she can nap!

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