Tooth Fairy?

Peyton wiggled and then yanked her tooth out in the City on Wednesday. She put it in her pocket but not before dropping it a few times as we were walking around; once on my foot! She put it in her tooth pillow and awaited the Fairy’s return.

No fairy. Perhaps she was scared off by the fireworks?

Second night. Hmm…no tooth fairy. I suggested that perhaps she did not make her appearance, as she did not have a note! I gave Peyton a post it to write her note. She told me, “Hey, the tooth fairy must have borrowed a post it from us the last time, because her last note was written on this same color!” She then looked at me, as if she were cross-examining me on the witness stand. She thought *I* was the tooth fairy. I told her I didn’t recall the last note she had left. Peyton then added that the Tooth Fairy’s handwriting was “terrible”. So, it couldn’t be me! She wrote a letter and left it in her pillow along with her now two teeth. The tooth fairy couldn’t find it last time, as it was stuck deep in the pocket. She asked why the tooth fairy only shows up at night. I told her that she had to be sleeping for her to appear.

Note: as of today’s dental appointment, it has been confirmed that Brandon will no longer get a visit from the tooth fairy! All adult teeth are in. He may need braces, as his first two week are turning in a bit, but he does not want them. Well, he said “Only if it’s Invisalign.” Wow…really?
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This is from PEyton’s trip to the dentist. The only dog she’s getting any time soon. And we just watched a Dog’s Purpose which she knew mostly about because she’d read the books.

Neither has cavities, something that the Tooth fairy will be quite happy about!

Stay tuned to see if the tooth fairy made her appearance overnight!

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