
We totally slept in with no early plans. My friend Suong invited us to Maryland, but the metro through the city was down and a ride that would’ve taken us less than an hour was going to take us 3! Joy graciously drove us the 15 miles, over 45 minutes. I don’t see how their traffic is as bad if not worse than LA’s. We got off to a late start so we didn’t arrive in Maryland until after 1!

We checked out Suong’s new townhouse and then met her neighbors before heading to the harbor in Baltimore. Peyton had already been spooked by “hobos”, she was really uncomfortable now that we were down a friend! Suong is nowhere as built as Joy. Even as we parked, Peyton looked at the bums nearby and whispered to me, “I don’t think this is a very safe spot to park.” I tried not to have that be an ominous sign and tried to ignore her, but deep down, I knew she was right.

So we walked in the touristy area, had a bite to eat at the Steak Shack, and then bought harbor ferry tour tickets. Suong talked her way in for us to explore the science center for the last 15 minutes they were open. We even go wrist bands so as not to get stopped! That spent time just enough for us to head back to catch the boat. I know she felt much safer while we were on board. She relaxed a lot though was still hot as we sat up top for a better view and not in the AC below deck.

After that, we walked back to the car, but she was not happy about that as we encountered a bum minding his own business. Suong was booking dinner reservations for Maryland blue crab, but wasn’t as observant as Peyton would have liked. She bolted when we weren’t keeping up with her pace, running past the bum. We then headed north to Pennsylvania just to say Peyton stepped foot there. The visitors center at the rest stop was closed, but we used the restrooms. We headed back to the city, and we found the restaurant. In the middle of the projects. At 9 Pm. We walked into the restaurant with 75% African American clientele and stuck out like sore thumbs. We did order six crabs as well as other side dishes to share. Suong asked for bibs as they weren’t offered to us, but I was uncomfortable taking one until the lady next to us asked for one, too! Then I quickly donned mine and continued eating. Peyton even discovered a pocket of the bib to catch food that may have dropped.

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After dinner, we headed back to Virginia. Peyton was so relieved, she fell asleep! She’d been wanting to go “home” to Violette and the comfort of her home all day long even though she’d wanted to see Maryland, too.

Violette was already asleep, so Peyton curled up in a ball and went to sleep downstairs.

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