I’m Back!

Well, almost.  Brandon’s diarrhea continues, but he is a far cry from what he was like yesterday.  Brandon returned right before dinner last night; he was not eating much, but playing with the chopsticks and water at the table.  He now knows the word, “diarrhea.” 

Unfortunately, right after dinner last night, I was struck with whatever he had.  I threw up after dinner last night and have felt yucky all day today.  It’s sad because now Brandon is more active and is trying to make up for lost time and all I want to do is crawl up into a ball and go to sleep.  Poor Dave, this is no way to spend his birthday.  Brandon did sing the “Happy birthday” song to Dave this morning.  Dave took Brandon out to Target just to give him a little fresh air.   He said he didn’t even want any of the toys that were offered.  He looked at them for a bit then said, “All done.”  Then after a trip to REI, he had to change his pants and diaper because the poop had gotten everywhere. 

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Now Dave is changing hopefully one of Brandon’s last diarrhea-ish diapers, prompting Brandon to say, “Bye-bye, diarrhea.”  Now we have to figure out who is going to stay home tomorrow.  Most likely me since I’m already not feeling well, but I do have a ton of people to call tomorrow.  I was going to suck it up and go in, but Dave has to interview someone at work tomorrow.  Now Brandon is asking Dave to “change batteries” on one of his books that is not making noise anymore.  Yes, my baby’s back!