it’s not working out so well for us nowadays. I was telling my mom over speakerphone that we were taking both kids in for their check ups tomorrow. Brandon’s is a little early, and Peyton’s is a little late, but at least we can do it on the same day. Brandon asked, “Are we going to Dr Fridgen’s?” I told him that was the dentist, and we were not. He said, “So they’re not going to brush my teeth tomorrow?” Then my mom asked, “Are they going to get s-h-o-t-s?” Brandon quickly chimed in, “Yeah, Mommy, are we getting shots??” I told my mom that he’s getting better with his spelling, and with the context clues, could figure it out. Luckily, I don’t think either of them will be getting shots, but I told him I couldn’t promise him that. Then I There are some downsides generic sales viagra too. These days, buy viagra in bulk many males are suffering from erectile dysfunction- the common problem in young and adults males. It spoils all your sildenafil tablets in india relations and does not let you take any step further with your own sense and wish. The small blue pill that has levitra overnight delivery helped millions of ED patients to overcome the situation and live a terrible life. told him he could have ice cream if he did have a shot. Then Brandon replied, “I hope there are no shots, because then I don’t have to eat ice cream. There’s too much sugar anyways.” Riiight, kiddo.
Later, we were talking about “Auntie Laurie”. He said, “I remember when we went to go watch her dance.” I asked him if he remembered the song that she danced to. He said, “No, I don’t remember. But I remember they had the Cars song.” Yes, another group did perform to “Life is a highway.” That was almost 2 years ago that I took him to see the performance! And we haven’t talked about it in a long time. His memory is a little crazy. I had to look back to see what the song was that Laurie danced to (Womanizer) (May 29, 2009)