Miss independent

Peyton is very independent.  She will do things Brandon still won’t – like walk into a dark room, unassisted.  She is still too short to reach the light, but that won’t bother her.  Brandon still needs to turn all the lights on before he’ll go to a dark room, even in our own house.  Yesterday morning, Peyton wanted breakfast.  Since I’ve cut her off in the morning, she’s been very clingy to me.  I have to hold her the first thing when I get up, and she still complains.  I held her while I brushed my teeth, changed my clothes, and finally put her down while I finished getting ready.  It doesn’t matter that she is in the same room, she’s just grumpy not to have mum-mum.  She can be bribed by breakfast.  So I got her clothes on yesterday, and she wasted no time.  She walked all the way downstairs on her own.  I wasn’t yet ready, so I followed a few minutes later.  I had to go wake Brandon up first.  When I got downstairs, there she was, sitting at the table, ready.  She said, “I hungry. I want breakfast.”  After I asked her how she should ask properly, I got her her cereal.  Brandon came down shortly, and we started talking about his schedule for the day.  I told him that it was his gymnastics day.  Peyton said, “Nastics? Mee, too.  Meee, too.”  I told her her day for ‘nastics is on Friday.  She just responded, “Oh.”  She has been fickle about participating at gym, but is fine to do her donkey kicks and bear walks here at home.  She and Brandon do donkey kicks together.  She does such a cheapest cheap viagra Ingredients Used in the Medicine Most anti ED medicines make use of a number of different websites, one of the best being uniqkey%.php. While utilizing the Vardenafil 20mg drug, you may feel a bit cialis generika Facts about cialis generika confused between them. The more expensive a product, the higher it’s viagra uk quality is perceived to be. Many anti stress food supplements are now viagra canada mastercard easily available in market. great bear walk, she can almost bend in half and walk around.  Her legs are completely straight.  Dave was clowning her for looking like such a troll, and I asked him if he could do the same.  Good luck.
Miss Jim said that Peyton has been refusing her lunch.  It’s funny because that’s the same food we eat for dinner the night before.  She just refuses, and the teacher gives in and will feed her applesauce or yogurt that the school has.  The director of the school used to tell us if Brandon didn’t want to eat dinner, then we should just save it for later.  They’ll eat when they are hungry, and they won’t starve.  I say let her starve, especially if there is nothing wrong with the food.  Turns out, she ended up eating the leftovers for dinner, because that’s what I put out for her.  I think it’s Dave spoiling them, since he usually prepares something different each night because he doesn’t like leftovers.  In fact, we had the same noodles tonight as last night, and upon seeing it, Brandon said, “We’re having this AGAIN?”  So spoiled.  I am used to having leftovers.  In fact, I think it’s great when we don’t have to cook.  It’s totally funny, too, because both of them LOVED what we ate last night.  She ate everything up; I think she got that that was all she was getting until it was gone.  Hopefully it’s not a trend at school.  We’ve finally broken her of her habit of tipping over the bowl when she doesn’t want to eat something.  Miss Jim said Peyton used to do that at school, too, but has since stopped that.

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