Yesterday, we went for our dual checkup. I scheduled it a bit shy of Brandon’s birthday, so we could get all his paperwork completed for kindergarten registration. Peyton’s is a bit late but at least it’s within the same month. I had Dave accompany me in case there were shots or the kids were restless. Our pediatrician usually runs behind, but I don’t mind because she always spends the time with us when she is with us, and I know she does the same with her other patients. But we came prepared. I had brought snacks, and we were called in right around the appropriate time. It was in the room where we had to wait some. Good thing we were given our own books to take home. We had fun reading about the alphabet through fruits and veggies. We went through the list to see how many we’ve all tried. Dave made balloon gloves, which the kids loved, and I had reserved one more snack (apple chips). The doctor peeked in to let us know she was running late because of a breathing treatment going on. She mentioned that we had come prepared when she saw the kids eating the apple chips. The kids had been near-naked for at leat 20 minutes. It was funny to see them both up on the table with nothing more than their underwear/diaper. When the doctor finally did come in, she started with Brandon first. Peyton has always been very apprehensive at the doctor, whining when she even came over to her. Brandon is just ticklish, but otherwise cooperative for the exam. The doctor did Brandon first, then Peyton’s same area to show her it was okay. She did eyes for Brandon then Peyton, ears, then mouth. Brandon had to get a PPD placed, which I was worried that he’d think it was a shot. He was good though, and told us it didn’t hurt. I took Peyton and Dave took Brandon back to their respective schools, just in time for lunch. Actually, Peyton went straight down for a nap, since I had called to tell them I’d be rushing her back. I tried to feed her in the car, but she didn’t have water and was thirsty, so had stopped eating. She had had enough snacks to get her through nap.
Here are the stats (I think Peyton is slightly taller than below because she was cowering when they took her height measurement, and Brandon somehow shrunk from 3 months ago):
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The doctor told us Brandon would look like an average 1st grader! Both kids came away with a clean bill of health!