Perfect Saturday

Ever since last weekend, when we played with the Kinect, Peyton will wave her hand across the front of the TV and say, “I do THIS.”  She has a funny inflection on the “This”, like she is some kind of sorceress.  After yesterday’s dismal showing as a parent of two kids going in two different directions at the library, we spent a fantastic day enjoying the city.  So yesterday, I tried to burn some time, knowing that Dave was going to be at work late.  I took both kids to the library, right before closing.  We had some movies to return, and I was going to get another for family movie night.  I also wanted to get more books.  Peyton had agreed to stay with me, meaning I’d hold onto her.  This went out the window as soon as we were ready to check out the 7 items, 5 books and two movies.  I thought we’d make a quick getaway while I had her writhing around in my arms.  Luckily, I brought Brandon’s empty backpack to hold the books.  He was kind enough to wear it for us, while I threw my wallet and phone in it.  I needed as free of hands as possible as Peyton was doing flips in my arms, screaming her head off to be let down.  While she was doing this, the woman in front of us with 30 items, proceeded to check out each item one by one, although clearly, the kiosk had pictures and words indicating that a stack of books at least 5-7 items deep could be placed on the terminal to be checked out at once.  So much for patrons of the library knowing how to read.  Meanwhile, Brandon was rattling off all items the lady was checking out, like a running commentary as to what had or had not yet been scanned.  “Oh, I didn’t know they had Curious George here!”   At least he can read 🙂  Then, I thought there was one line, for each of the two kiosks.  Apparently, the kid that cut in front of us did not think so.  So the lady in front of us apparently owed the library money and was barred from checking out some items.  Fantastic.  I cut my losses and stood behind the other kiosk.  What seemed like forever, with an antsy toddler, and Brandon yapping in my ear, we were able finally able to scan our items.  Two seconds.  Done.  We were finally out of there.  As soon as we got out of line, Peyton stopped screaming, and said, “Fish!”  I did get her back to the car and told her I was upset with her for crying and not going along with the plan.  She sobbed, stopped and said, “Stay with Mommy?”  Yes, she knew what pact she had broken.  Dinner went well, both ate all their food; must have been hungry.  Dave came home after the movie was done.  Just in time to give them both baths 🙂
We took the kids to register Peyton at school.  I was apprehensive about doing so, but she had a great time in the classroom!  She walked around, checking things out, and sat down to do an art project.  The teacher, who, like all of the teachers at the school, know Brandon, asked if Peyton was like Brandon.  They think she may be probably because they look alike.  I think she was bracing herself for the answer I was about to give.  I told her Another ED pill that has proved to be a disorder only when it actually interferes in your day purchase viagra uk to day activities. Erectile dysfunction is a disorder which is faced by men all over the world and only a levitra 40mg mastercard few minor side-effects have been reported up till now. Missed dose : Kamagra is taken when needed so a missed dose is not supposed. cialis no prescription Psychotherapy is found to be beneficial for comorbid eating disorder and best buy for viagra mood disorder. “Treatment modalities for eating disorders and mood disorders often overlap. they were polar opposites.  She got to see that even in the few minutes that they observed her.  They were happy to hear that Peyton would be in their class, since I was requesting it so that Peyton would follow Brandon’s path through the 3s and 4s class.  They said their class should be re-labelled the “sibling class” since they have so many siblings in their class.  I asked Peyton if she wanted to go to this class next year and she said, “Yes!”  Very reassuring to me.
We left and headed up to Dave’s work.  He had to stop in for five minutes to do something.  While we were up there, we wanted to head up to this area that every Saturday has food trucks parked.  We found our way up there, driving past the one truck we wanted to try!  We got closer, we met with a throng of people.  It turns out there was a huge march, and it had just wrapped up.  There were people everywhere!  We decided against swimming upstream and caught the first food truck that caught our eye – the ice cream one.  It was parked by itself.  Brandon enjoyed a Cara Cara orange popsicle, while Peyton ate a handmade cone.  She got upset when Brandon wouldn’t give her another bite, and threw the last third of her cone on the ground.  She realized what she did, and how not smart it was.  She got a pouty lip, but knew it was her own doing.  I was sad that she wasted a perfectly good cone!  I almost succumbed to the 5 second rule, but that wouldn’t be teaching any lessons.  We walked to where our car was parked and had lunch, seated outside a cafe, amazing given that it was January!
Since it was such a warm and beautiful day, we headed over to the bridge.  We has to pass right by the foot of the bridge, and Brandon said, “Aw, come on, let’s go, please?”  So we walked out onto the bridge, just enough, and Brandon got to look down.  I’m not sure if he realized how far up we were. I sure did.  I didn’t remember how high up it was; the last time I walked the span was for my friend’s 16th birthday.  We left there and headed to my grandma’s.  I called her to let her know we were in town, and of course she invited us over 🙂  She had made broccoli, my uncle and the kids’ favorite!  In fact, it was all gone, and Peyton asked for more and couldn’t have any.  We left and headed over to my dad’s.  He had asked us to bring home food.  We needed to pick up some paperwork, but it was a great time to give the kids a bath and brush teeth.  So we made our pit stop.  When Peyton was in the bath, she said, “I’m freezing!”  My dad finally turned the heat on for her.  He rarely turns the heat on unless we are there.  After her bath, she decided to say hi to my dad.  She had just woken up when we first arrived, and it took her awhile to say something to him.  This was just as we were able to head out.  We rented a movie, and wanted to get the kids in bed so we can watch it!  Dave’s been wanting to see this for awhile, now he’s dozing off while I write and watch it!  Happy Saturday.

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