Busy busy

We seem to always have events scheduled on the same day.  This morning, we woke up close to our weekday time to get ready for the fun run at Brandon’s school.  We had to be there by 8am, and woke up about an hour before.  We drove over, and rushed to school, only to find out that we didn’t have to check in since we already pre-registered and had our shirts and bibs.  We had about 30 minutes to play. We were watching both kids closely in the play structure, since Peyton is half the size of the other kids. (We thought it may be cold for Peyton, but I didn’t want to put a long-sleeved shirt under her race shirt, so I used some baby legs on her arms!  Genius! especially since she never really used them as a baby, since her thighs were too thunderous)  She’d get knocked down by other kids, but it didn’t faze her.  The only thing I was afraid of was her getting knocked OUT of the play structure, if she stood too closely to the openings.  She and Brandon were playing together, as we didn’t see many other kinder kids.  They were playing hide and go seek, and Brandon was just too fast for her.  He’d hide, then she’d say, “Brandon.  Where are you?”  We asked Brandon to slow down, since Peyton was going too fast to just keep up with him.  We also didn’t want him to be the one knocking her over.  Some other kids were kinda crazy – one was walking with his hands across the outside of the bridge, while this girl was daydreaming, and happened to put her foot up on the rail, on top of his hand!  He couldn’t say anything, so I saw what was going on and I told her that she was stepping on the boy’s hand!  Poor thing.  He was okay, but looked totally stunned.  We also ran into our neighbors, who have older kids attending the school.
The race started at 830am, and we had Peyton in the stroller.  The first portion, after the starting area, was over grass, so Dave pushed her.  There were two routes, 1.25 miles and 2 miles.  We were planning on only doing the 1.25 miles, since Brandon was running.  He had so much energy on the structure, we told him to conserve so he could make it all the way.  Of course, he doesn’t know what it means to conserve energy, thinking he has an endless supply.  He started out like the hare – running across the grass.  He is quicker than I am when he tries, but he quickly peters out.  So we all stayed together, and made our way onto the street.  There were police helping route traffic and keep us safe.  The strollers were supposed to stay behind the runners and walkers, but we were going faster than the walkers!  There were at least 600 participants, based on the numbers we saw on the bibs.  Brandon did well for the first half, but then started getting tired, and asked to walk.  He was breathing so hard, and by the time we got to the water station at mile 1, he sounded like I do after mile 6.  We came up to the fork, for the shorter route, and decided to forge on through to the second full mile.  It It is, http://bananaleaf.com.ph/menu/ acquisition de viagra once again, safe for both sexes alike. We online levitra canada will be lucky and honored to help out from your problem. These oral medications are same as 100mg discount cialis Discover More Here. Typically, the law also requires teens getting their first pills cialis license. felt like it would be more of an accomplishment for him if he went further.  Dave didn’t want to do mile 2 because he was going out for a ride with Ted after.  I challenged him, telling him, “Really, another mile is going to do you in?”  Peyton was calling out, “Run, run, run!” from the stroller.  I did talk Brandon through the second mile, encouraging him all the way.  He almost gave up, but I told him when we saw the school to run the rest of the way and there’d be snacks at the end.  I also told him only finishers get the medal.  We passed across the finish line in 26:01 minutes – a 13 minute mile – GO BRANDON!  He was happy to get a bagel, fruit, and coffee cake, given by the sponsors.  I told Dave it was heavy on the carbs, but he said that Brandon needed all the carbs he could get.
We left after we finished the treats, and then Dave headed off on his bike, while the kids and I watched Rio again.  Peyton and I worked on her homework, putting 4 photo corners on 16 different pictures.  Her role was to take off the blue backing on all the corners, and stick the photos where she wanted.  She was very diligent and did this all while I was making them an salmon omelet to add some protein to the breakfast.   Dave came home, and we tag-teamed out, so that I could go to Audrey’s baby shower.  It was really nice, at a small tea shop, and we were able to catch up – some high school and college friends all getting together.  It’s rare that we are all together, let alone without the kids!  It’s such a small world, given Audrey is friends with Nela’s sister, and Annie’s husband was roommates with my pharmacy school classmates.  Cindy, Annie and I all got married at the same church.  They also know a girl I met while in undergrad, who had gone on to medical school.  Audrey and I have known each other since 1st grade, while the other girls there have known each other for that long as well.  Audrey’s mom was also there, and she just retired from my company (different site) after 22 years.  I didn’t know that she worked at KP.  She is a NICU nurse, just like Audrey.  Anyways, after tea, I came home and helped Brandon clean up the bins in his room.  We got rid of two grocery bags’ worth of trash!  The rule was any broken toy or random part/piece that didn’t have a home was thrown out.  He still has too much stuff, but at least we sorted through it and were able to get rid of some things.  He was happy to help, and I had to remind him we were cleaning, not playing, on several occasions, but he definitely did his part.  Peyton even helped out, as some of the pieces we found in Brandon’s room belonged to some of the toys in her room.  We ate dinner, and then read our books, and it was off to bed.  Now we’re catching up on the shows we missed today.
Here’s Peyton presenting her project (with a little prompting).  She watched Brandon’s presentation of his project last week, so she’s had a little time to study.

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