Eagle; Bully?

When Brandon and I got home, Dave was in the backyard with Peyton.  She didn’t know we were home, as she usually comes running, then I think she heard us, and ran inside saying, “MOMMEE!!”  Dave came in behind her and said, “(She) said, ‘I got an eagle!'” as he held up the golf club.  He then pointed to her shirt, a travel shirt my mom had gotten on a trip to Alaska, with a cartoon eagle, and then mouthed, “What the?” as Dave thought she really know her golf terminology.
While we were eating dinner tonight, I asked Brandon about his best part of the day (CDC! [I think because he got into the lego club]) and the worst (getting a yellow, for making noise in circle time).  CDC did confirm Brandon had a good day today.  Then he casually mentioned, “Well, S kicked me in my privates, and it hurt a lot.”  We got some of the other part of the story out (without trying to feed him answers), that the other boy, who knows martial arts, kicked him in the groin, but Brandon was too busy crying to tell the teachers at recess.  He said a bunch of kids gathered around him to ask what had happened, but he was too hurt to do or say anything.  Then he said S told him not to tell the teachers, so he didn’t.  Brandon has been trying to fit in, and he seems to When cialis generika buying that I first saw it my first inclination was that I could not even get an erection but was too ashamed and embarrassed to tell her. Using Sildenafil Citrate a man can tadalafil cipla 20mg respond to sexual stimulation. It the best sildenafil this store on sale now improves sensation in the genitals. The safest measure to contradict impotence is consumption of Caverta tablets with water, an hour prior to intimacy activity. order cheap levitra daveywavey.tv be having the same problems with the same kid.  He said, “Well, he does it everyday.”  It was very hard to hear that, and Dave was livid.  Dave wanted to email the other parents right away.  I told him we had to be more constructive than “Meet me in the playground at 5pm to settle things,” and asked him to write down and document what we’ve heard and seen directly and bring it to the teacher.  I told Dave we needed to go through the school, and not to handle it on our own with the parents, as nothing could come out of that.  He was getting upset with Brandon for not sticking up for himself, but we know Brandon usually handles things with a smile, so he probably doesn’t want to cause trouble by turning anyone in.  Dave was drilling it into him to stick up for himself and to not let this happen.  I hope it stops before someone gets really hurt.  I don’t want Brandon to rage against this guy, or definitely don’t want him to hold it in and take this kind of abuse.  Dave was telling me how, inside the safety house at the fall festival, Brandon had been raising his hand when he wanted to answer a question asked of the group.  So far, the only school whose helped his self-esteem and behavior seems to be the private school.  More to come on this subject, I’m sure.

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