
Since it has been such great weather this past two weekends, we decided to head up the bay to cash in on our free tickets to the kids’ museum that Brandon and I went to for his field trip last year at school.  Dave started the morning out with a bike ride, while I got the kids fed and ready to go by the time he got back.  We headed out, and there wasn’t as much traffic as anticipated.  The museum area was much less crowded than when I’ve been with Brandon the last two times.  Dave took Peyton immediately to the toddler area, while Brandon and I played with the big blocks. The weather was perfect!  Warmer even than when we came in July!  It was nice to take our time looking at the exhibits and not to have to worry about so many other kids.  Whenever I chaperone with Brandon, I’m not really worried about losing him, so I don’t tend to spend much time with him.  It was nice being able to now.  Peyton and Dave came back and we all headed to the art room.  Brandon has always loved this room, and he’s always been rushed by his classmates who didn’t appreciate it as much.  We had to engage Peyton, who didn’t really care about being there at first.  Then she got upset because she wanted to do what Brandon was doing, but the room assistant was sitting next to him.  The girl moved over to let the two kids sit together.  We still had to move the kids along, since there were other exhibits to get to.  They did have lots of fun, and were able to explore.  We had packed a picnic; we ate carnitas and tacos, left over from dinner yesterday.  Brandon raved about the dinner last night, and was excited to eat it again. The only thing we didn’t do was play on the structure, since Let’s be real when it comes to viagra soft things in the bedroom. Enhanced levels of testosterone improve libido, sensation cialis pills for sale in genitals and rejuvenate reproductive organs. The education programs cheap sildenafil india are effortlessly designed to achieve all major requirements needful to get a driving license. This version also proffered an efficient way to consume the drug without any difficulty. order viagra they do that all the time anyways.  Dave wanted to head over to Sausalito since we were all the way over there on that side.  We found parking, and just strolled up and down by the water.  The kids had blown through our food and were still hungry, so we stopped at one of the restaurants and picked something up for us to eat.  After a little over an hour or so, we headed home.  It was a quick trip, but the kids were tired.  Peyton had fallen asleep on the way up, at 10am, and again on the way home at 3pm.  This kid is almost three years old and would still take two naps if given the chance!  She’s going to have a real hard time without a nap in kindergarten!!  When we got home, both kids were still tired.  Peyton was lying on the floor in the family room, while Brandon was lying on the floor under the kitchen table.  These kids were wiped out!  Since we’d just eaten, I wanted to go for a grocery run to get the Halloween candy, some birthday presents, and potluck items for both myself and Peyton for tomorrow.  When I came back, both kids had already eaten (Peyton ate three helpings of veggies, and that was it!), and Brandon had bathed already.  It wasn’t even 6pm!  I told Dave we might as well work on transitioning the kids to an early bedtime since daylight savings is coming to an end.  I started reading to them at 630pm, and they were both in bed by 7pm!  It’s dark outside, so they don’t really know the difference.  Peyton did a great job not coming in to our room until the alarm went off, which was 7am 🙂  Dave wanted to put the kids to sleep early since tomorrow will be a long day for them.  It’s 715pm, and there’s not a peep upstairs to be heard.

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