Funnies from the road

We put Peyton in a diaper, just to make sure there were no accidents.  While we were getting closer to our destination, Peyton said, “Am I in a diaper or underwear?”  We told her diaper.  She said she had to go poop.  Brandon said, “Well, you can go poop in your diaper.”  Peyton said, “Poop in my diaper?  That’s discussting!  I no go poop in my diaper, Bruddah!”

I’ve recently taught Peyton opposites.  At first, I thought it was a hard concept to discuss, but when I gave her examples she knew, like hot and cold, she quickly picked up on it.  We do this while driving from school to home.  When we got home, we took out Brandon’s old puzzles which are halves which are matched up with their opposite.  While in the car, she will ask, “Can we do my opposites?”  So I will call out a word and ask for its opposite.  When I run out of ideas, I have to think about the puzzle pieces.  Earlier this weekend, on the drive down, she asked me for an opposite.  I said, “Heavy.”  She said, “Not heavy.”  Um, sure, that’s the opposite.  Haha.

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Lastly, while Brandon was eating an orange at Dave’s parents’ house, Peyton came up to him and took one of his toys from off the table.  His hands were all sticky, and he was still working on the orange, so he turned to her and said, “I’ll deal with you later.”  He sounded so adult when he said it!

Tooth #2 is OUT!  We convinced Brandon to take the tooth home instead of getting the money from the fairy yesterday night after it happened.  It actually came out during lunch, when I told him to be careful from his crunchy bread, so he didn’t chomp down on the tooth.  He ended up just pulling it out so he didn’t have to be so careful.  He’s getting too comfortable extracting teeth.  I think we will have a bit of a break from un-teething for awhile.

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