First field trip with Peyton!

Today, I had signed up for the HH field trip.  It’s a big place, and with the zoo and rides, and me not trusting other parents, after learning last year that one of the kids was lost (and he was 5), I didn’t want to miss out.  We still weren’t sure if there was going to be rain, so I had black pants on, so that I could go to work if it was called off.  I checked with one of the teachers this morning, and she said we were still going since it was supposed to rain only in the afternoon.  That meant that I had an hour to kill, since I’d still stuck to the routine and gotten Peyton there by breakfast at 8am.  I hit up the coffee shop nearby, taking my time. I grabbed a breakfast sandwich and a skinny mocha and ate in the car.  When I went back into the classroom, they were eating snack (it was only 45 minutes after breakfast!).  The kids were supposed to be there by 845am, and those that were already had their shirts on.  What kills me is that parents were rolling in with their kids at 9am, and even 915am, as we were lined up to go on the bus!  Really?  What part of 845am do they not understand?  There were many parents there, apparently all with the same idea as myself, not wanting to leave their kids in others’ hands.  But 3 parents, of the 7 that were there, only had their kids to deal with, as they were the criers.  One girl wouldn’t let her mom put her down, and cried the entire time we were in the classroom.  Another boy cried whenever his mom put him on the floor, so she, too, was carrying him around.  Peyton was great!  She followed the rules, sat on the carpet, and came to me when called.  I also had Aashu, who was a very good listener.  They were cute on the bus, too, taking turns being by the window.  We left school at 915am, and arrived at the park by about 930am.  We had to leave the park by 1115am, so really it wasn’t much time.  But the ride operators were dispersed about the park, and took a poll to see which rides were going to be running.  We were really the only ones in the park, save for a few people scattered here and there.  The kids took over Danny, but I made a potty run with two of the kids, one of mine and one of Sydney’s dad’s.  So Sydney’s dad took Peyton on Danny.  After Danny, we joined up with the group.  My two had to sit out because the ride operator was going over to the cars and then the swings. They all had fun.  Some of the kids weren’t tall enough for the swings.  After the two rides, some kids wanted the frog.  So the operator went over to the frog, but Peyton and Aashu only wanted to watch.  Orion waved, “Hi, Peyton!” even though there were other kids around.  Peyton waved back to Orion and Sydney, who had a great time.  As soon as the frog descended though, Orion quickly put her hand back down on the ride.  It was funny to see how quickly she reacted once the ride started to fall.  The two year olds were fading fast, with many tantrums on the bus on the way back.  That was rough, but my two were great!  They were talking in their own language, making up “Llama llama” jokes.  I had no idea what they were saying, but they were definitely entertaining each other.  We got back to school, and I made sure to tell Peyton I wasn’t staying.  She looked serious, but not sad.  She was sitting happily at the table ready for lunch, so I think she was okay with me leaving.  She waved goodbye as I left, and I told her I’d get her after lunch, after nap, and after playing.  She agreed with a nod.  When we were driving home after work (it was about 30 minutes later than normal, since I stayed a bit later), she told me, “I’m tired.  I just want to go to sleep.”  But she saw Brandon and Dave practicing baseball in the backyard and wanted to join them.  She threw a few balls around with them, then came in to wash up.  She sat at her spot and said, “Daddy, is dinner ready?”  Dave said, “Yeap, that’s MY daughter.”  🙂

Here are the pictures and video from earlier today:

On the firetruck (they’d already gone on the policecar the first ride)
“SYDNEY, where are you?”
I love this one; she’s just behind Sydney, and can’t find her since there is the big block in the middle, and she was just far enough ahead to not see her.  She’s calling out to her, and declares that she isn’t there.  Meanwhile, Sydney, hearing her name, is looking for Peyton.  I love it!  (FYI, Syd wears red glasses with curly hair)
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On the swing with Orion
Their own language
This little boy is 2 weeks younger for Peyton, and she could eat him for lunch 🙂

Here are some of the pics:

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