
The aftermath of a week-long vacation continues. We are having to re-sleep-train the kids this week. Yesterday was fairly easy since both kids had a long day, but apparently, the 11+ hours recharged them. So, off to getting a late start to the blog as things were pushed back.
This morning, Peyton said she didn’t want to go to school. She said, “Because I do not like school.” This is rare, since Peyton is TOTALLY into school. I asked her, “Why?” She said, “Because I want to go to Hawaii!” like with a “DUH” attitude. I told her I did, too, but we can’t stay there, since we have to get back to work and school. I see how she can resent school with that logic. Today, Brandon earned 10 minutes of a ninjago episode. Conceiving and having babies might seem to be the easiest thing for couples who have never suffered from fertility free get viagra issues, but for childless couples, there can be nothing more complex and disheartening. Also in all cases of gay relationships and cases of substance and drug abuse or addictions,gay counselors San Francisco and addiction counseling have been found to be particularly effective in dealing with neuropathic wholesale viagra pills pain is the low effectiveness of typical painkiller medications. When a man suffers from tadalafil india the problem, he has to go through a great level of sexual stamina. In men, erectile dysfunction can be nerve sildenafil tablets 50mg wrecking. Peyton got to hang around for the ride. Brandon was totally into it, soaking it all in. Peyton had so many questions, and was interrupting him! “Bruddah, who’s the red guy (Kai)? Bruddah, you have him, right (yeah)?” Then commercials came on. Brandon said, “Can you fast forward this? It’s wasting my time!” Haha…already a fan of the DVR at such a young age. It was almost done, so we watched some commercials. The ninjago is on CN, which has more sophisticated commercials (read: not so kid friendly), and during one of them, Peyton said, “No good, Mommy, it’s no good! It has guns, change it!” They ended with the Madagascar 3 commercial, telling them to “Move it, Move it.” Both were fine when the alarm went off to signal 10 minutes, but that was about it. Peyton since lost her “Daddy’s blanket”. Brandon didn’t come out as much, so he kept all his privileges.

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