Another field trip

Today, Brandon went to another field trip; this time it was a garden. Dave didn’t think it was appropriate, since the rules said, “No rock kicking, No running, No loud noise.” He stopped reading right there, and said, “What kind of place is this?” Yes, he is still a little kid at heart. Anyway, he reviewed the rules with Brandon his morning, and gave him $5 to bring along with him. The rules were that he had to bring back a receipt and a souvenir. He was not to buy candy, ice cream, etc. When Dave brought him home, Brandon had a receipt in the bag we gave him. I asked him to show me what he got. He got a little fish pendant that was $4.60. He gave the change back to Dave. Acai Norge is also extremely high in antioxidants. this link buying tadalafil tablets So, enjoy cialis india discount with Kamagra and get the rare chance to undertake a camel safari here. You can consume a glass of hot milk before going to bed. levitra 5mg Over time as cialis online prescription many as 70% of immune cells reside in the gut . Yay for following directions! I’m not sure how much reminding he needed, since I’d reminded him in front of the teachers, who said they’d help him remember. He did come home without his floppy hat. Can’t win them all. I called cdc and they said that he was wearing it while on the field trip, but it wasn’t around. Of course, Brandon doesn’t know what happened to it. Of course. I told him we have to use his next field trip spending money to buy another hat if we can’t find his lost one. Maybe I will take him to cdc tomorrow and have him look around for it.  Because of the field trip, he went to sleep easily, however Peyton was feisty.  All of her stuffed animals are around me here downstairs as she lost them all.  And Daddy’s blanket.  And her radio.  I think she was still up at 9pm, playing with her camera.  I knew because I heard some noises and it sounded like R2-D2 was in my house.  Dave is out with Mike and another friend, since Mike’s in town, and I was a bit freaked out.  I ignored it, and R2-D2 went away, and presumably fell asleep.

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