Tough love, part ???

Tonight, Dave stayed at work late, so I had kid duty. I didn’t know this until about 330pm, so I hadn’t really planned accordingly. Good thing we had leftovers from the weekend, so I got the kids fed quickly. I was eating a piece of salami we’d gotten at Costco over the weekend, while Brandon was telling me how his tummy hurt because he ate chips and salsa with jalapenos. He didn’t want the whole wheat tortilla because it was wheat, and he didn’t want the American cheese because of what I’d told him it was made of. So, as he was eating his chicken and green beans, he asked me for salami. I told him he’d had enough junk for the day, but he could have yogurt and fruit if he was still hungry. He burst into tears and told me that Daddy would give it to him. I told him Daddy wasn’t there, and that he probably wouldn’t give it to him. I again offered him the yogurt, and I told him he could eat it or put it away. I then had Peyton upstairs to take a bath. Brandon shouted after me, “You’re too mean to be a Mommy!” I was calm, and just did my thing with Peyton. He took his revenge by going poop right before I put Peyton in the bath. She was choking, trying not to smell it, but he did do a number on the bathroom. I gave her a quick bath, then we headed downstairs to do a puzzle. I told Brandon to take a bath, brush his teeth, and go to his room to calm down. He did all he was told, and then shouted downstairs, “I’m just going to read my library books! By myself.” I did not respond, but just sat patiently waiting for Peyton to put her 100 piece princess puzzle together. Eventually, calm Brandon made his way downstairs, with his library books. I’d gotten a whole series on feelings, anger management, and processing emotions. I think it was funny he was reading those to calm himself down. It seemed to work, as he asked Peyton politely if he could join her and do the larger-pieced puzzle. She said, “Oh, sure, you can. You can do the 48 or 24 piece puzzle if you want.” So, Brandon took the bag of 48 pieces and started putting the second princess puzzle together. He was totally calm, and when both were done, I told them it was time for bed. Erectile dysfunction medication like the popular sildenafil (levitra tablet ) and the oral jelly form. Finasteride also known as Propecia works to reduce the levitra order prescription level of DHT interrupting hair loss. fast shipping viagra Keep the pills kit in a box or as a 10-capsule blister pack in a retail box. Systemic Inflammation In COPD Increases Cardiovascular Injury Cigarette smoke increases the risk of brand viagra cardiovascular disease. Neither complained. I asked Brandon to put all his books upstairs, and he retorted something, and I told him, “You brought them down, you can bring them up.” Peyton saw him struggling, and offered, “Can I hold one for you?” Brandon gave her two, then a third, and he grabbed the rest. They stacked them up in his room and went to their respective rooms. I don’t know if it was because I was alone, but it seemed that Brandon calmed down faster than he normally would if two of us were around. He had two cards saved up. We’re using the cards as a recommendation we got to give him “options” at night instead of immediately taking away privileges at night. He starts with one per night, and if he has an issue, he needs to turn in his card. After he uses the card, he cannot come out again before privileges are then taken away. If he doesn’t use it, then he gets to accumulate cards. So he didn’t come out either of the last two nights. So, he got his card tonight, making that three. I sent him to bed, and reminded him of the card policy. Before I left the room, he said, “You didn’t give me a hug. May I have a hug please?” No matter how upset he gets, he always has to have his hug at night. It’s his way of not going to bed angry, maybe. So I hugged him and reminded him again of the cards. I went to Peyton’s room, and gave her her hug. Brandon came out, gave me his card, and said, “I’m thirsty, I will go downstairs, get my own water, and here’s my card.” He came back, then brought me his second card in 5 minutes. “I’d like to know how many greens I got today.” He gets a reward for his good behavior, so he wanted to check in/check out with me. It was my bad not to review it with him before he went to sleep, but he did accept it and turned his card in. If he didn’t have cards, he would have had to wait until tomorrow morning. But the cards give him: His terms. He has to do things on his terms, but ultimately, we have peace restored and another system of economy.

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