Back to school…almost

So today was a normal day, with everyone back to work/school. Brandon and Peyton both woke up and it was a mad dash to get everyone dressed and ready for school. We came downstairs and Brandon said oatmeal takes too long, so he wanted the standard Cheerios. But when I put the almost-empty milk container in front of him, he decided he wasn’t hungry. He said he just wanted the milk. Then he said he just wanted some water. Anyone who is anyone knows if Brandon isn’t hungry, especially first thing in the morning, there is something wrong with him. He didn’t want a peach, nuts, dried fruit. Nothing. So I tried to get him to eat something, but he declined. So I told him to go upstairs and brush his teeth. He whined, continued to say he didn’t feel well, and just laid down on the ground. I told him he had to brush his teeth, then he could go wait for me in the car. He said his tummy hurt, so I told him to go poop. He did something in there, washed up, then came down. He was still groaning, all the way to CDC. I told them he wasn’t feeling so well, and that he hadn’t eaten yet. We left him half-sitting on the soft chair away from everyone else. He looked pathetic. I was thinking it was maybe first day jitters since we were reviewing last night how he is on his own today with the transporting himself back and forth between CDC and school. Today is also the first day the discipline is in effect, so changing the card system is in place. We talked and reviewed about that last night, too. So I thought maybe I was putting too much pressure on him. I tried to give him a pep talk earlier in the morning to see if that’s what was bothering him, since he’d woken up okay. But that wasn’t snapping him out of it. On the way to work after dropping Peyton off, I called Dave to ask if I should call CDC. Dave said to wait and call later. Well, as soon as I got in to work, I was in work-mode. I’d been off for 2 weeks, so there was a lot for me to do. Bonnie came in 5 minutes after I did, then we were chatting about the weekend while we were getting set up for work. No sooner was it 840am that the school called. It was the nurse, and she informed me that Brandon had thrown up all over himself and I had to go pick him up now. He was in the office. OH NO!! So I briefed Paula and Bonnie, then headed up to get him. Today was my far away place to work, and typically, I drive against traffic, so I’m spoiled. But today, since I was headed home, I was right in the middle of it, thus doubling my easy sprint home. It took me almost 30 minutes to get there. It’s days like these where I wish I would transfer back to the main campus. UGH. On top of that, no one was answering me – not Dave or my mom who was in town. I was hoping my mom would come first, so I didn’t have to bother Dave, but he responded first. He came home, while I was still in transit with Brandon. When I arrived, I found him lying down on the bench, with his arms outstretched under his head. He looked so relaxed. He was certainly messy, but already starting to dry off, which I appreciated. I signed him out, then took a detour to get gas, since I was on fumes, then headed home. He was totally fine, already digging into his lunch and eating that while in the car. When we got in the door at home, I told him to go take a bath right away. Since I hadn’t eaten breakfast yet, I did so while he was showering up. I started the laundry, then Dave got home. When uric deposits reach to its extreme, the joints cheapest cialis india around the affected area become inflamed and swollen. NF Cure capsule should be taken regularly for 3 to 4 months. 8 to 10 drops of cialis without prescription the oil brings the best results. 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I heard, “He’s breathing.” I didn’t think it was funny that Dave was joking around, so I said, “What?” Dave said, “He’s reading.” OH…gotcha. Meanwhile, Dave was declining, so instead of having him pick Peyton up, I decided to get her after trying to compensate for the time I lost earlier in the morning. I just imagined coming back to a house that was a mess, since when I thought he was well, I was looking forward to having all the breakfast dishes cleaned up, the laundry dried and put away, and straightening up all the stuff from this morning. But now with Dave out of commission, I was quickly seeing that wasn’t going to happen. Dave didn’t answer me if he wanted jouk, so I just brought Peyton home to assess the situation. The downstairs was silent. There were minimal dishes, what appeared to be soup bowls, but no answer when we called out to them. After we washed up downstairs, we ventured up. Maybe they were out? Instead, we found two balls of Tsaoboys curled up upstairs. One was giggling down on the floor, and the other, larger one, was immobile on the bed. Brandon hadn’t eaten much more than what I’d left him with this morning. They got some soup, but didn’t finish all of it. I took both kids downstairs, and since it was already 6 pm by now, which Peyton alerted me to, I decided to feed them. Dave had started making jouk, but it was still too thick. Peyton decided to help herself to the frozen veggies, so she took out her own bowl, and the bag, and poured some in. Since she was busy with that, I asked Brandon what he thought he could eat. After talking to Bonnie today, I didn’t want to push the issue and feed Brandon too much, so we went with rice and furikake. An Asian twist on the BRAT diet. He ate a scoopful of rice, and water (again, no dairy for now), and then declared he was done. Peyton ate two helpings of veggies (of her own doing), and half a grilled cheese sandwich that I made. Since Brandon had already showered, I just had him brush his teeth and get ready for bed. Peyton lagged at dinner, and I just left her there while I got Brandon settled. I went down and washed the dishes while waiting for Peyton, then I gave up. I had ordered some pictures for her to take to school per their request for summer photos, so I told her if she wanted me to go get those for her, she had to hurry so I could give her a bath. I told her they would close if she didn’t hurry. Soon, the milk was gone, the rest of the sandwich was eaten and only the carrots remained. For some reason, she doesn’t like the frozen julienned carrots. Oh well, can’t win ’em all. She raced upstairs, where I bathed her, and went back and forth flossing, fluoriding, and tucking in kids. Both kids were in bed by 715pm. No reading today, since I just wanted them down. I told them I was going running, and that I’d be back. Then I left. With a sigh. I’ve never been so excited to go to the gym! Well, first I went to get the pictures and some vitamin water zero for Dave, then off to the gym. I tried to remain on my schedule today, which is 4 miles, but I didn’t want to push it and make myself sick, having just eaten. So, I took it a bit easier, not wanting to make myself nauseous. I knew what awaited me when I got back (making lunches, cleaning up some more, etc), and I took my time at the gym still. I got home, and got things ready for lunches tomorrow. I told Brandon we’d try again đŸ™‚
Oh, I hadn’t put a note in his lunch today, and I was feeling badly about it when I dropped him off. I didn’t think about it last night, then got too busy this morning to write one. So I asked him, “You didn’t throw up today because I didn’t put a note in your lunch, did you?” Brandon chuckled, “NO, I didn’t, that’s silly!” Haha…just checking.

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