Basketball and Ballet

Today was an early basketball day – 8 am start. Ugh. We woke up like we do every day, around 630 am. No lying around watching cartoons today. We were up and at ’em, feeding the kids breakfast, to head out the door by 730 am. The team is definitely getting better – passing, stealing, and rebounding. Brandon got to do all of those things! He still doesn’t know what to do when he gets the rebound. He’s too lost in the moment that he actually has the ball, but eventually he comes around. He even took a few shots today! Dave wants me to help coach him from the sidelines, which I’d been avoiding doing, since he hears it from the refs and from Dave. The team is having fun, so that’s what really matters. The parents are the ones who are looking stressed, and hang on every attempted shot, hoping it goes in. The kids are just out there to have fun…and get snacks at the end of the game. After basketball, we came home to get Peyton changed. Today was her last class of the ballet session. She was motivated by a bribe (PB&J) which is quite unusual for her that she’d give in to a bribe. My mom was coming down to watch her as well, so she was excited about that. We’ve found that she likes the two Caucasian kids in the class. They are sisters, and she likes to sit next to, or more embarrassingly, in between them. She will wedge herself in between them against the mirror, or while they are gathering in a circle. She won’t say a word, but just edges her body in there. The teacher also uses colored plastic dots to mark where the kids are supposed to stand. She strategically places them about to separate the kids. Peyton likes the purple one, no surprise, but so do the other kids. She tried to run to the purple one, but didn’t quite make it there in time. She settled for a yellow one, but see here what happens.

She’s so sneaky!!
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The teddy bear dance.
Since she participated about 80% of the time, I gave her 80% of the bribe. She had half a PB&J and some gold fishes from a birthday party gift bag. We went home for some lunch, then headed up to my grandma’s to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Brandon opened my parents’ present to him, and it was a Skylanders case. He packed them all up, and we took the machine up to my grandma’s. I told Peyton she had to sleep in the car, or she would have to sleep at my grandma’s house. She immediately put her head back in the car seat. I fell asleep, too, and Brandon sat behind me in the third row, so we could spread out. He was sweet to push my head back on the headrest when it slipped down. I woke up when I felt him put my head up, but I fell asleep quickly again. Peyton stayed asleep for the entire ride. We got to hang out, and the kids ate at around their usual dinner time, while the adults ate later. After dinner, we sang to Brandon for his birthday. He got double presents with the leisee as well as his gifts. He was so happy! We let them stay up pretty late, leaving around 930pm. They were hopped up on sugar, but as soon as we got in the car, Peyton announced, “I’m going to sleep now.” We were all busy talking, so she repeated it, “I’m GOING TO SLEEP NOW!” With that final announcement, she put her head back, and she was out. Brandon finally fell asleep in the back as well. When we got home, my mom got her out of the car, and she was surprised that she went straight up to bed and covered herself under all her blankets. She thought she’d go to Brandon’s room, but, she wasn’t messing around. I told my mom that she is serious about her sleep! I’m sure they will probably wake up at their usual time. We have a big birthday celebration for Brandon tomorrow, so we hope he gets some sleep!

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