A shot heard ’round the room

This week marks the first week of the flu shot clinics.  It’s basically like a Disneyland ride line, but in the medical office building.  As I was leaving work, Michelle and I took a look at the long line of patients waiting to get their flu shots.  I was debating whether I should bring Brandon back here or closer to home.  Our clinic is smaller, so there would be less traffic than the facility that was closer to us.  I didn’t know what the volume would be like there, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go pick Brandon up and then drive all the way back to work to get him his shot.  I was also worried what effect the shot may have on him, given we have the UCLA game this weekend; but if I waited any longer, then it may be pushing into our Disneyland trip next week.  So I went to get him and lured him to get his shot by telling him, “We’re going to Mommy’s work.”  He always likes coming to my work, so it was an easy sell.  We had to contend with the traffic headed back towards work; luckily I hit up the carpool lane for a little while.  While we were driving there, I wanted to prepare him for what we were going to do.  So I told him we were going to get a shot and that it wouldn’t hurt. I quickly changed that to, “It won’t hurt that much.  It may hurt a little.”  I forgot that you’re supposed to tell “the truth” and not sugar-coat it.  So when I changed what I was saying, Brandon started getting a little whimpery and said, “No, I don’t want to get a shot.”  I told him it would be ok (that’s not a lie) and again, it wouldn’t hurt that much, just a little bit. 
So we got there, and got in line.  I had him take his small trucks, one for either hand, for support.  I saw our facilities manager walk back, and I waved hi to him from line.  He gave me a funny look – a cross between, “What are you doing here?”  and “Why are you waiting in line?”  He came over to us, all official, lifted up the “caution” tape and said, “Please come with me.”  I was a little surprised, and even said, “Who, me?”  So we followed him as he ushered us to the front, away from the line (so they They can improve blood flow, especially to the genital area, reduce stress and fatigue levels, improve order cialis navigate to these guys libido and many others. When you take this erection pill, pfizer viagra without prescription you will receive a discreet package with no indication of its contents. In today’s modern society, most people do little to protect themselves against viagra sample free the onslaught of chronic stress in their lives. Talk to your doctor and learn, what to expect viagra cost india before, during and after the surgery. couldn’t tell where we were going), and dropped us right off in the front of the waiting area.  It was perfect because Brandon was getting a little antsy and impatient, being in that line, and I was just holding his wrist, not wanting to carry him for all that time.  In fact, I made him walk all the way from the car and told him he had to stay with me in line otherwise I might lose him since there were so many people there.  The clinical health educator I work with was the one registering us, and our nurse manager was one of the shot givers.  I ended up going to another of the shot givers, who had asked if I had just gone home and come back.  I told her that I just went to pick him up from daycare and then brought him back.  I sat Brandon on my lap, and he whimpered a bit more.  She asked if I wanted it in the arm or the leg.  She said since he was a big boy, he could do it in the arm, so that’s what she did.  She was so fast.  A little drip of blood oozed down his arm, after which time he started crying for about 10 seconds.  I felt badly for anyone else in the room who had kids listening to this toddler crying.  I didn’t have the presence of mind to look around the room to check.  After she put the band-aid on it, he was fine.  She also gave him a sticker.  And that’s it!  We were done. 
As we were leaving the parking lot, I called Dave and told him we were all done.  Dave asked me if it hurt.  Of course I told him it didn’t hurt (me).  Then he asked Brandon if it hurt.  Brandon said, “I got shot in my arm, Daddy.”  Dave asked him if it hurt; his response was, “It hurt a little bit.”  So I had to clarify with Brandon, “Did it hurt a little bit or a lot?”  Brandon confirmed, “Just a little bit.”  We also called my mom to tell her, too.  She asked him which arm the shot went into, and he replied correctly, “In my left arm.”  Hopefully he doesn’t have any untoward effects from the shot.  Maybe I’ll give him a little Tylenol tonight before he goes to sleep.  If not that, a little ice and TLC on his left arm would do the trick.

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