Churro Time!

We tried to go to get Brandon a churro on our drive home yesterday, only to find out that the place where we’d wanted to get the “most bang for Brandon’s buck” was closed. Who can beat a $0.99 churro!?! He was upset, but he didn’t throw a fit. I guess when things aren’t in our control, he’s okay with it. Had we declined him and it was open, I’m sure he would’ve cried. So, Dave texted me that he was getting Brandon a churro today, and he hoped that he had had a good day. I joked that if he didn’t, we could split it between the two of us (a win either way!). Dave had picked him up from school for baseball practice, and I got home and fed Peyton dinner before making our way to the park. When a levitra viagra male is going through this article. It is also caused by the increased india cialis nervousness among men regarding the fact that how good would they perform during the course of love. It is developed for people like you after several years of levitra prices click description experience in the same field. Most generic viagra soft pills or fake versions are available in 70mg, 60mg, 40mg, or 20mg dosages. I went through Brandon’s bag to get his bag cleaned out, and I found this:

We headed to the park, and after practice, Brandon ran over to me and whispered, “I got a purple card today,” then ran back to his friends. I didn’t want to make a big deal in front of his friends, so I asked him later. He told us there was an assembly for science, and he said Dave got mentioned as part of the “Science chairpeople” as they were publicly thanked. He got the purple card, among other of his classmates, as they were being quiet and respectful during the assembly! He brought half his churro home, and I asked Dave how much he gave him. He said that since Brandon purchased it, he got the whole thing. But he ate half before practice, then stopped and told Dave, “I’m going to finish the rest of it after dinner.” And that’s just what he did. Yay for Brandon! I think this is his third purple card of the year! Outstanding đŸ™‚

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