Today was Brandon’s final game. I got to and left work early so that I could get Peyton, and then head over to the game. We came home and picked up the chairs. I decided to drive, since I didn’t want to walk with the chairs and lazy Peyton. We got there during warm-ups, set up shop, and then Peyton started eating her green beans, cheese stick and plum. She finished all that before the game started. Then, she ran around with Kai and Alana while I tried to watch Brandon. The Yank’s were in the outfield to start the inning. Brandon was playing pitcher, meaning he plays behind the coach who is pitching balls to the kids. The first batter got on base, then the second batter popped it up right toward Brandon. The runner started to run toward second, then Brandon stepped up, and caught it! The runner didn’t know to tag up, and by the time the coaches told him, the Yankee coaches were also yelling at Brandon to throw back to first base. I was yelling, “Throw to first, Brandon!” I have not yet shouted out from the sidelines, but this being the last game, and the competitive other team. The throw made it to the first baseman, who didn’t know what was going on either, and had stepped off the bag. The base runner didn’t make it back before being tagged out. Double play! The rest of the inning didn’t go as well, but it was certainly an awesome way to start the inning.
The team was outfitted in eye black for the occasion! Here’s a picture of Brandon before the game. He was reluctant to let me take one.
Not to be outdone, the little one had to get into the action:
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The teams played 4 innings before calling it a season. Peyton lost her snack shack ticket for not staying with me, while Brandon was happy to earn his. When he was eating his corn nuts at the end of the game, Peyton sidled up next to him. And looked at him with her puppy dog eyes. He fell for it and gave her one. Then told her that was it. He asked me why she wasn’t eating, and I told her she wasn’t listening. He said, “Ooh…like when I don’t listen, right? But now I’m listening.” Yes, yes, he was. And he was enjoying every corn nut. Peyton didn’t seem to care about losing out on snack shack, until at night, when I told her that this was the last game. And that she’d have to wait until next year, or at the very earliest, September, for Brandon to play fall ball. She had a fit, and started to cry into her blanket. She knew she wouldn’t get anywhere with me, but she had to release it somehow. I left her room after turning off the lights.