Bike Day

Today was bike day, and Dave put her bike in the car last night, along with her pads.  He was tuning it up, and Peyton told him she wanted the training wheels off.  We laughed and told her she was not going to try it for the first time on bike day.  Dave’s been dragging his feet about starting her; initially he was so gung-ho with a glider, but now, it’s slowed down a bit.  She can comfortably get around, with the training wheels, and he doesn’t have to do the work to teach her.  I told her Marcus can ride without training wheels, and she said, “Really?  Only on two wheels?” So, I dragged her bike into the classroom with elbow and knee pads inside her helmet.  I’ve learned my lesson about bike day over the years.  One time early on, I was in a light skirt with heels.  Now, today, I was in flats and black pants.  When I came back, I had to park far away, almost a block away from school because of an event on campus.  I was told that she didn’t want to ride her bike!  She stayed with Ms T instead, watching the other kids riding around.  The bottom-line? Eat better, perform better! Despite years of progress and accumulated changes in the world view of each online viagra generation, it is safe to say that sexual dysfunctions are available. These commonly used herbal medicines cialis prescription include Damiana, Sarsaparilla, Ginseng, Gotu Kola and Saw Palmetto. So, stay careful during the intake of this solution according to the prescribed format can prevent the developments of the adverse reactions in the form of diarrhea, upset stomach, memory loss, seizure, cold symptoms, irregular heartbeats or shortness in breath.Impotency cheapest levitra or erectile dysfunction no longer exists as the major health ailment for the man as this drug has maintained all standards of a world class medication. PDE 5 breaks camp in the penis which causes the flow of blood to increase in flow of blood in specific areas of the body.Tadalafil is used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) and symptoms of lowest price cialis benign prostatic hypertrophy (enlarged prostate). The teachers didn’t know why, but later, when we got in the car, she told me her shirt didn’t match her helmet.  WHAT?!  She is SUCH a girl.  I asked her what shirt she’d prefer to wear with her helmet (it’s red, white and blue, and pretty boyish, since it was Brandon’s).  We’ll have to talk about it again with the next bike day.  I’ll have her pick her own shirt.  At least she knows she can’t ride the bike without wearing the helmet.  And I suppose now she needs a matching shirt to go along with the helmet.

She did tell me earlier this morning, if we did take off her training wheels, “Good luck I have my knee and elbow pads.”  She’s seem to inherit that phrase “good luck…” instead of “good thing” or something to that effect, from Brandon.  Peyton also told me, “It’s June, that means there are 6 more months until Christmas. And next month is July, and that means only 5 more months until Christmas!”  I wonder if she is talking about this at school or if she is coming up with this on her own.  Either way, she’s rushing this year, and making it go by too quickly!

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