Josh; Crying; Pink Medicine

Peyton asked me, “Do you know why I like Josh Groban?” I asked her, “Why?” She said, “He sings beautiful songs, but don’t tell him!” Funny, like she thinks we’re friends. So, I told Dave about it. She whined, and told me not to tell Josh!

We went out for dinner tonight, and there was an older kid there making lots of noise. He was grunting, and laughing with his family, but it was freaking Peyton out. She’s not used to “different” types of people, and she was facing him. Dave didn’t understand what was going on, so I reference Orlando airport, and he understood. So, we all shifted seats so she was facing Brandon. She kept looking over her shoulder, but I’d make her turn around and eat. She was being a bit rude, as the boy wasn’t hurting anyone, and he wasn’t having anything to do with her. We’ll need to teach her about others who are different, but now wasn’t the time. She just shuts down; covers her ears, and cries. It’s very bizarre. After she was distracted, she did better. We finished up, then headed to Costco to get some supplies before going home. While we were going home, Peyton told me, “First, I’m going to go home, take a bath, change my clothes, and then I’m ready for my pink medicine.” She has a dermatitis on her cheeks, and we’re treating it with some topical steroids, and a little diphenhydramine to make her less itchy. She’s making it worse by scratching. This will aid in flushing out waste materials buy super cialis coming from your intestines. The entire buy cialis viagra sex act involves vaginal intercourse & male orgasm. Utter humiliation and shock eat sildenafil tablet away your mind. In time of making an order for on line viagra click this, you have to log in to the particular site and fill up the form with the simple information like the name, address, phone number along with fixed line number. I’d never given her the medicine, that I can recall. So, last night was her first dose. She flinched at the first milliliter, then realized it was good and gulped the other 4 down in no time. She even tried to lick the syringe from the counter. She was up after I gave it to her, but she was slumped up against her wall like a drunk. She had a goofy look about her as well, wearing her beanie to keep her hair off her sticky face. She looked like a hobo child. This morning, her face looked a little better, but it was still red.
Her new thing is putting her Disney puzzles together. She can do the 100 piece without assistance, and she’s moved on to 300 pieces. She needs more guidance with these, like hand-holding, but she can really do it if she wanted to, she just needs more patience. Brandon told on her and said that she was doing the puzzle after she’d been put down to bed. I then asked Brandon how he knew she was doing her puzzle if he wasn’t out of his room, too. That prompted him to go back to his room, and I suppose she did the same.

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