
Last night, after I came home from a girls’ night out with Tracy to celebrate my belated birthday, I went upstairs to our room.  I was trying to sneak across the room without turning on the bright lights, so as not to wake Peyton, whose room is right across the way.  As I made my way across, I tripped over what appeared to be  a big box of Legos, dumped some of those out, then stepped on the other box, adjacent to that.  When I made my way to the bathroom to turn on the light, it looked like a Lego bomb had gone off, sending Lego shrapnel everywhere!  I ignored it, and went about my business.  Dave came up a few minutes later, chuckling, asking what happened.  He did turn on the big light and saw the mess I’d made.  I told him he should’ve had the kids put it away, and that I was having no part of the clean up.  He told me from downstairs it sounded like I knocked over a ladder and then some.  Dave was worried Peyton would hurt herself going potty in the morning, but I wasn’t thinking that far ahead.  Flash forward to this morning.  Peyton came in around 630 am, and They are observed to have improved sildenafil 10mg focus and listening abilities. However, the success rate of these treatments has not achieved wide generic viagra from usa application. Further each of the components is known for treating sexual disorders and have been used since centuries by the ancient people. unica-web.com viagra on line Brain https://unica-web.com/archive/committee2000.html viagra shops in india scans of NFL athletes are showing nasty damage that will dramatically affect their future health, not to mention current pain and problems. headed straight for the bathroom.  No words were exchanged.  Dave had gone downstairs to sleep because my cough was bothering him.  Peyton came up to my bed, presumably tip-toeing around the mayhem.  Brandon came in shortly thereafter, and said, “WHAT. HAPPENED,” in a strangely calm voice.  I told him exactly what happened, and he said, “Oh, I’m sorry.  Did you hurt yourself?”  I softened up at the care in his voice, and told him I was not, but it did startle me.  I then asked the two of them to help clean up.  Brandon started to right away, but Peyton whined a bit.  Then I told her to be a lego vacuum, and that got her going.  They cleaned up within a few minutes, then I left to go for a run.  I made it 5 miles, and came home to an empty house, as Dave was taking Brandon to batting practice.  Poor Peyton is a hot potato.  My parents have 2 extra tickets to the football game today, but my mom would prefer to only take Brandon.  (It’s true, dragging her up to the game is not that much fun…)  Then, as I was leaving for my run, Dave said, “Wait, don’t leave me with HER!”  Poor baby.

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