Only Kid!

My parents had extra tickets to the football game, so I “gave” them one kid.  One kid is easier than two.  We had baseball batting practice in the morning, which I joined after I’d run 5 miles around the track.  Brandon had a ball bounce up from the ground and hit him in the groin.  He sunk to the ground, and then recovered.  Later, he told Coach Tom, “I got hit in the coconuts!”  I couldn’t stop laughing from outside the cage.  After the kids took batting practice, I took a bucket of balls, too!

So, after we dropped Brandon off, we took the second one to Dave’s work, and then kept going into the City.  We walked around Union Square and went shopping a bit.  Peyton hung in there, though she was tired and hot.  It was over 80 degrees yesterday!  We had a nice time with the one, and no fighting or bickering.  We then took her to lunch, and then finally to ice cream.  The line was quite long, and at that point, Dave was carrying her.  We had to wait over 30 minutes, but she’s used to it (thanks to our time at Disneyland), and she got a free ride.  We finally got up to the front, and she chose the Cookies and Cream. I got Coffee Toffee and Hazelnut, while Dave mixed Coffee Toffee with Malted Vanilla.  We walked back to the car, and then headed back to my parents’ house.  We hung out for just a short while then they came home.  We all ate dinner, then the kids finished up a movie they were watching before dinner.  They got to stay up a bit later, then they headed to bed.  Dave and I then watched a movie before going to sleep with each kid.

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Here are our Peyton-only pictures along with the pumpkin patch pictures:

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